Shift (The Neturu Chronicles)

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Book: Shift (The Neturu Chronicles) by Sarah Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Carter
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get help!”
“No, I just saw Jude fall.  The dog ran past him.  He’s fine. 
You need to calm down,” Jackson says.  Kayla crumbles to the ground,
crying.  Jackson squats down next to her.  “Kayla, breathe. 
Calm down.”
She puts her hand to her chest and starts to choke on her breath.  “I was
so scared.”
“You’re fine now.  The dog is gone.  Relax.”
Kayla starts to take deep breaths.  After a few minutes, her heart finally
stops pounding. “Okay. I’m okay.”
“Good,” Jackson replies.  “Come on, stand up.”  He grabs her and
lifts her with ease.
Looking at him, Kayla whispers, “Wow, you’re strong.”
“Umm, thanks, let me get you to your car.”  He gently puts his arm around
her back and ushers her forward.
“The dog was huge!  Did you see that thing?”
Jackson laughs. “It was a bullmastiff.”
“It’s not funny, ” she
says, smacking him on the arm. “ And
how in the world could you tell what kind of dog it was?”
“Actually, it is kind of funny. ” The smile fades from his face as he continues.  “ I saw Jude grab you.  The dog did
what I wanted to do.”
Thinking about it, Kayla exhales. “It was almost perfect timing.  I never
thought Jude would be aggressive.”
“Remember, scrape the inside of your foot down his shin.  It really does
Kayla nods. “What are you doing here, anyway?”
A weird look passes over Jackson’s face.  “What do you think I was doing
at the library?”
“Stalking me.” Kayla giggles.  “I’m only joking.”
“Yeah, I had nothing better to do, so I thought I would follow you.”
They walk quietly to Kayla’s car.  Jackson bends down and picks up her
books.  He hands them to her. “Thanks,” she says.
“Jude and I are going to have a long conversation tomorrow,” Jackson says.
“Jackson, leave it be.  He’s an idiot.”
Narrowing his eyes, Jackson snarls, “He put his hand on you.  Now he’s
going to lose it.”
“I didn’t think you would defend a girl you hated so much.”
“I-I don’t hate you,” Jackson stutters.  “Why do you think I hate you?”
Pulling her books close, Kayla replies, “Okay, you don’t hate me, but you
aren’t a huge fan of me either.  I think you tolerate me.”
“Well, that’s true.”
Kayla rolls her eyes.  “Whatever, Jackson, next time just leave me alone.”
“Relax, I don’t hate you, and I do more than tolerate you.”
“No, you kiss me and then feel the need to bolt.  That pretty much defines
With a frown, Jackson says, “I didn’t bolt.”
“Um, yeah you did, but whatever.  Like I said, we’re oil and water.”
“No, we are both oil, and the rest of the world is water.  You’ll
learn that one of these days.”
Confused, Kayla says, “What in the world is that supposed to mean?”
“You and I are more alike than you could ever imagine,” Jackson mumbles.

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