Shift (The Neturu Chronicles)

Read Online Shift (The Neturu Chronicles) by Sarah Carter - Free Book Online

Book: Shift (The Neturu Chronicles) by Sarah Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Carter
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frustrating.  I can’t follow your personality.  Generous,
yet spiteful.”
“I know.” Walking forward, Jackson takes out his cell phone.  “What’s your
Still glaring at him, Kayla says, “1-800-screw you.”
“Nah, I think I’ll pass.”
“Get out of my house!” she snaps, pointing to her door.
He laughs and walks away.  “See you in the morning.” 
    Kayla watches him leave and
then exhales sharply.  She takes the piece of paper, crumples it, and
throws it across the room.
A little while later, the buzzer goes off for the pizza.  Still mad, Kayla
yanks the oven door open and the whole thing falls off.  “What in the
hell?” she yells.  “My parents are going to kill me!”
As if glutton for punishment, the front door opens.  “Kayla!  We’re
“Mom!  Mom, I swear I didn’t do it.  I don’t know what happened!”
Her mom comes around the corner and stares at the stove.  “What in the
world did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything!  I was kind of mad and yanked the door open, but it
sure wasn’t hard enough to tear it off the hinges!”
Her dad comes around the corner and his eyebrows arch.  “From now on, be
careful what you do when you’re mad.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Kayla snaps.
“Just listen to me…if you’re mad, be cautious of your actions.”
Kayla throws her hands up. “Why?”
“You’d be surprised what you can do when you get angry.  Now, turn the
oven off.”
She spins around and obeys.  Her parents tell her to leave the kitchen so
they can clean up.  Kayla groans and grabs her stuff.  She goes up to
her room, growling the whole way.  Slamming her door, Kayla grumbles, “Why
do I let Jackson get to me?”
 The ringtone on her cell phone goes off.  She picks it up and says,
“Dude, I’m dying,” Tracy coughs out.
“I doubt that.  What’s wrong?”
Tracy groans.  “I have the flu, I think.  Anyway, can you do me a
“Yeah, of course, what do you need?”
“Sometime tonight, can you go to the library and check out a book for me? 
I don’t think I’m going to school tomorrow.”
“Sure, what’s it called?”
“ The Roads of India ,” Tracy mumbles.  “It’s nonfiction.”
Kayla writes the title down.  “All right, I’ll go after dinner.  Do
you need anything else?”
“A new body.”
Laughing, Kayla says, “I don’t think they sell those at the store.”
“Mmm, whatever.  Call me when you leave the library.”
“Okay, feel better.”  All she hears is a grumble before Tracy hangs up the
phone.  Kayla shakes her head.  Sitting down, she grabs her calculus
book and starts her homework.
When dinner is finally done, and she leaves the house, the sky is already
darkening.  Kayla skips down the steps to her dad’s car.  After
getting in, she plugs in her iPod and presses play. The band that Jackson
played earlier comes on.  Not needing the reminder, Kayla presses the skip
button multiple times.

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