Shift (The Neturu Chronicles)

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Book: Shift (The Neturu Chronicles) by Sarah Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Carter
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library parking lot is nearly deserted when she gets there.  She grabs
her purse and heads in.  It takes her a while, but she finally finds the
book for Tracy.  Deciding to get herself something, Kayla walks over to
the fiction area.  While she searches the shelves, she begins to feel like
someone is watching her. Kayla whirls around.  There’s no one there, but
it doesn’t make her uneasiness pass.  She tucks her book under Tracy’s and
heads to the check-out desk.
Pushing the front door open, Kayla quickly texts Tracy that she’s on her
way.  Kayla walks toward her car, not really paying attention to her
surroundings.  From behind her, she hears, “Ugh, I thought I wouldn’t have
to look at your face anymore today.”
Kayla turns around and sees Jude.  She rolls her eyes.  “I was hoping
for the same thing.”
“Where’s your boyfriend?  Did he dump you already?”
“Jackson is not my boyfriend.  I have better taste than that.”
Jude takes a few steps forward.  Instinctively, she backs away from
him.  “What book do you have, a stupid romance novel?”
“Um, no, it’s a mystery.”
“Of course, what was I thinking?” Jude sighs.  “You would have to actually
be interested in sex to read romance.”
Glaring at him, Kayla says, “Piss off, Jude, you’re just annoyed that I don’t
like you.”
“Kayla,” Jude retorts, stepping closer to her.  “You’re going to have to
settle for some loser because no guy is ever going to want you.”
“Shut up,” Kayla yells.  “Just because I find you revolting, doesn’t mean
I’m unattractive to other guys.”
Losing all humor, Jude says, “I rejected you.  Don’t get those facts mixed
“That’s not how it happened, and you know it.”
Jude steps forward and grabs her arm.  “It would be wise to keep that to
“Let go of me!  It would be wise to keep your hands off of me before I
knock you on your ass.”
“You start spreading rumors about me, and I will be your worst nightmare.”
“Let go of me, Jude!” Kayla cries, trying to twist out of his grip.
Jude opens his mouth to say something when they both hear a deep growl. 
They slowly turn to see a huge, brown dog stalk around the front of Kayla’s
car.  Its hackles are raised up high. Jude lets go of her and steps
back.  Kayla’s heart nearly pounds out of her chest.  The dog looks
at her, and then turns its gaze to Jude.  Kayla backs up, pressing her
body against the car.  The dog walks in front of her, continuing to growl
at Jude.  Jude pales.
“Jude,” Kayla whispers. “Don’t move.”
“Shut up, Kayla,” Jude hisses.  “Don’t say anything, you may startle it.”
The dog lunges at Jude.  He immediately turns and darts across the parking
lot.  Kayla drops her books and races to the library.  Her heart
beats rapidly.  When she gets to the doors, she yanks on the handle. 
They don’t move.  It dawns on her that the library just closed, leaving
her stranded outside with the killer dog.  She starts banging on the door
and yelling.
Something touches her arm and she spins, screaming. 
    “Kayla!  Stop! 
Calm down!”
Her knees weaken as she looks at Jackson and clutches his arms.  “There’s
a dog, a huge dog.  He went after Jude.  We need to

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