Package Deal

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Book: Package Deal by Chris Chegri Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Chegri
Tags: Contemporary Romance
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given him everything, and he’d taken it all. After his graduation, before she realized she was pregnant, he left her. The marriage had gradually deteriorated and scarred her soul. She’d been so in love. Blind love. She’d always been told eyesight went at forty, but hers had gone at sixteen.
    “I wouldn’t worry.” Her attorney yanked her thoughts back to the present. “You’re acting well within your rights. You haven’t asked for anything you and your daughter don’t deserve. You’re being completely fair, and trust me, I’ve seen worse.”
    Kelly had a thing about being fair. It kept her conscience clean. She didn’t want her legal action against Ken mistaken for revenge.
    “We’re only asking for an increase of five hundred dollars a month and, of course, all payments in arrears,” her lawyer explained. “According to your ex-husband’s income statement, you should easily be able to get another thousand plus full reimbursement for his education costs. You’re actually being quite conservative, Ms. Pearson.”
    “So, you don’t see any problems?” She scribbled the court time and date on her calendar.
    “No. The courts are getting tough with these guys who don’t pay their child support. If he doesn’t settle out of court, he’ll regret it later. If I were you, I would reconsider asking for reimbursement of his college costs. He did leave you right after graduating. We’ll try to convince the judge his actions were premeditated…a sort of uh…usury, or something like that,” he stammered.
    Usury? Jeez, the guy had no idea what he was talking about. She wondered if he even had a degree, or a license to practice law.
    “Honestly, Ms. Pearson, I can’t see anything your ex-husband could do or say to sway the court to sympathize with him. Your case is air tight.”
    Of course it is. That’s why you took the case in the first place. She hung up, hoping he was bright enough to ask one of the experienced partners at his firm what usury meant before he bandied it around the courtroom.
    She heaved a sigh of resignation. The whole business soured her. He’d better be right about her winning. Still, she couldn’t help feeling as if a pack of jackals waited in the brush to clean up. Suing made her feel predatory, despite her unshakable conviction that Ken should be forced to carry out his responsibility for Lacy. The fact was she resented Ken for forcing her into taking legal action as much as she resented him for abandoning his daughter.
    Ready to leave and run her errands, she grabbed her purse, but Ted Willis stopped her on the way out.
    “Hold it, Miss Pearson. I’ve got a job for you. I need you to run down to the space center at Cape Canaveral. An EPA representative is speaking about an important study analyzing the environmental impact of the launches. You know—the effect on wildlife, native grasses, and respiratory conditions. Krissy Fallon, the gal who usually covers the Kennedy Space Center, is on vacation, and we need representation. ”
    Kelly let out a sigh. God, am I ever going to get a break? “Isn’t there someone else you could send? I’ve got so much to do before I leave Friday.”
    Willis’ leathery features twisted into a snarl. “No, actually there’s no one else. So, if you want to keep this job, I suggest you stop complaining and head for the space center.”
    Quick lesson learned—not a good idea to butt heads with the boss during your first few weeks on the job. “Yes, sir. Of course, I want to keep my job. It’s just…never mind. I’m sorry I brought it up. Consider me gone, on my way,” she babbled on her way out the door.
    With time to spare, Kelly stopped at the electric company and changed the bill over into her name. The telephone could wait until she returned from San Francisco. With thoughts of the little house buzzing around in her mind, she took I-95 south, knowing it would be faster than taking the beach highway. She was glad Steve had left town

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