Package Deal

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Book: Package Deal by Chris Chegri Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Chegri
Tags: Contemporary Romance
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attracted to her as she’d imagined.
    “It shouldn’t surprise me. He’s a man,” she mumbled, habitual distrust and suspicion churning up a lifetime of unhappy memories.
    “What?” the girl at her side asked.
    “Nothing,” Kelly replied. “Sorry. I was just thinking out loud.”
    The group inched along at a snail’s pace, crowding the narrow hallway. Just ahead, Steve and another man appeared from an office on the right. The tour guide stopped to speak to the two men, and the media members slowed to a halt. Kelly tensed and looked around for an exit, wanting to leave as fast as possible.
    Hands held high to get the group’s attention, the guide said, “Can I have your attention, please? This is Steve McCarthy. Steve is our resident cryogenic physicist. He knows cold like Nike knows shoes.”
    Soft laughter ruffled though the group. Kelly rolled her eyes.
    “And this is Jim Harvey, one of our jet propulsion specialists. Jim helped design today’s program for you. Now, these two guys are busy but have offered to answer a few questions if you have any.”
    A few hands shot into the air.
    “Mr. McCarthy, what does cryogenics have to do with space travel?” someone asked.
    “Cryogenics is more than just freezing bodies,” Steve said. “One of the areas I work in is Cryogenic Fluid Management, known as CFM . It’s an essential and very critical part of our manned and unmanned missions and future planetary exploration. The temperatures in space can reach minus four hundred and fifty-nine degrees Fahrenheit—unimaginable to us. Liquids freeze long before reaching that temperature, making it a challenge to keep—“
    Kelly heard him talking, but she wasn’t listening. She ducked behind the back of the group and tried to hide. She didn’t want him to see her. She didn’t feel up to his excuses for lying to her. If he didn’t want to see her, he should have just said so, instead of telling her he had a business trip.
    She peeked over the group. Steve had finished talking, and the other man asked for questions. Kelly wasn’t so much mad, as hurt, the sting of rejection a familiar feeling. She just wanted to disappear, walk off in the opposite direction, but she didn’t know the way out.
    The group bulged ahead, and Steve, about to go back into his office, glanced in her direction. She looked down quickly, hoping he hadn’t seen her.
    Oh God! Nowhere to run.
    “Hey! Hi.” He sidled up beside her. “I didn’t know you’d be down here today. What a surprise.”
    She iced over. “I’m sure it is.”
    He was such a bad actor. He should have been embarrassed, offering awkward excuses. She tried to move past him, but he stepped in front of her.
    “Whoa. What’s the rush?” Steve held his hands up to stop her. “Can we visit for a minute?”
    She refused to make eye contact. “My tour group is leaving.”
    The group continued down the hall without her.
    “I’m sure they won’t miss you, but I will.”
    Kelly gave in and looked at him.
    He smiled and reached for her hand. “You’re a pleasant surprise in what has been, so far, a boring day. Stay a minute. I’ll walk you out.”
    She avoided his touch, but the warmth of his eyes sucked her in. “So, why aren’t you in Houston?” she asked, still guarded.
    “They canceled my trip until Wednesday.”
    Relief washed over her, all panic dispelled in an instant. He hadn’t lied after all. It was a simple misunderstanding. Why did she always think the worst? Taking a huge leap of faith, she offered her hand.
    He laced his fingers through hers and pulled her into his office. “I planned to call you later and see if you wanted to have dinner with me.”
    “I don’t have plans,” she said, feeling almost giddy. “I don’t even have friends yet.” She laughed, comfortable with him once again.
    “Well, you have me.” His gaze lingered with affection on her face. “So, why didn’t you mention you’d be here today? You look great,

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