Marked by Destiny
It made it hard to focus when he was
uber intense. I didn’t know if it was because I feared him or if it
was something else, but suffice to say, it never leant itself to
great communication between the two of us. “The first part of the
book’s in English now.”
    “Same as
before?” He looked at Michael for confirmation.
    “Yup,” I said
loudly, my nervousness giving way to irritation. I hated it when he
did that, like I wasn’t capable of answering a simple question.
“ Still written in the ancient stuff but it’s English to me. Same as the middle section.”
    “What did it
say?” He repeated
Michael answered for me, “Rouge just realized it. We came over here
to tell you. She hasn’t read it.”
    I appreciated
that Michael made it sound like I wanted Caleb to know immediately.
Caleb turned to smile at me. The smile sent chills down my back,
but I made an effort to smile back. It was obvious he didn’t
believe I hadn’t read it. Either that or he couldn’t fathom why in
the world I wouldn’t and he took me for an idiot.
    He walked back
around his desk. “Then have a seat and start reading it out loud.
Let’s all hear what it has to say.”
    “The book’s
still in the pool house.”
    “Go get it
    Michael shook
his head. “No.”
    Caleb rose his
eyebrows and looked at Michael incredibly. “Excuse me?”
graduates today. Let her do it with a clear head. We’ll start the
book tomorrow. There’s more to read, that’s all you need to know.
Now leave it alone.”
    “What?” Caleb
Michael said firmly. “I’ve done what you asked. Leave her alone
today about it… and don’t hound me.” He took my hand and led me,
mouth hanging open, out of the office.
    I had no idea
what just happened. I leaned toward him, about to whisper why he
didn’t just tell Caleb the first part of the book was the journal
written by Bentos, but Michael put a finger to my lips and shook
his head.
Caleb hollered. “Get back in here!”
    I paused but
Michael tugged my hand to keep me walking. “Let’s just go.”
    Caleb barged
out of his office. I could hear him stomping behind us and I
cringed as the sound got closer. “What the hell is the matter with
    I felt
Michael’s hand tense in mine. I had a feeling being the middle of
the two of them was not a good place to be.
    Michael swung
around, pulling me to the side as he marched inches away from
Caleb. He stood half a foot shorter and Caleb looked down on him as
Michael glared up. “Nothing’s wrong with me.
    “Do you forget
whose side you are on?”
    “I know exactly
where I stand.” Michael’s hands moved emphatically as he spoke.
“I’ve known it all along. Nothing’s changed.”
    “Like hell it
hasn’t.” Caleb’s crossed his arms over his chest.
    “What are you
talking about?” I asked. It seemed like they were moments away from
tearing each other apart and I was the only one in the house to
stop them. Not an enviable position for me.
    Caleb didn’t
even glance in my direction. “Michael’s my understudy. He’s not
yours. No lapdog is going to come around and take him away from
this coven.”
    “She’s not a
lapdog,” Michael hissed. “You think she’s the weapon you need
against the Grollics. I’d watch what you say.”
    “Why? She’s not
going anywhere. The Grollics don’t want her, her family didn’t want
her. We’re the only ones she has.”
    I expected to
feel shock at the words, an immediate stab to the heart or
something. I didn’t have the chance, because Michael defended me
before I even realized Caleb had hurt my feelings.
    “She only needs
me. Push me too far, Caleb, and I’ll walk away and never come
    Caleb grabbed
Michael by the throat and lift his off his feet.
    “Stop it!” I
screamed desperately scratching at Caleb’s arm, trying to force him
to release Michael. I couldn’t believe this was happening. Caleb
was supposed to be

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