Marked by Destiny
excited about the book. He’s the one who had
been pushing for me to see it. I was graduating soon and today was
supposed to be a fantastic memorable day. “Let go of him!”
    Caleb released
his grip and took a step back. Michael charged at him the moment he
touched the ground. He tackled Caleb around the waist and the two
of them went flying, crashing into a table and against the wall.
They rolled on the ground and bumped into the couch. Michael stood
first and using both hands, picked Caleb up by his throat.
    Caleb grabbed
and thrashed against Michael’s hands but could not break free. I
watched in horror. Could Michael kill Caleb? Would he?
    “Are you done?”
Michael said in a quiet, demanding voice.
    Caleb stopped
struggling and gave a curt, almost unnoticeable, nod.
    Michael let him
go and turned away. The anger inside him burned his eyes a bright
blue that I had never seen. I stepped back as he came closer.
straightened his clothes. “She’s not worth losing your family over,
    Michael ignored
Caleb as he put his arm around me and led me through the kitchen to
the back door.
    “She’s just the
messenger. She’ll turn on you for her pack. You’ll be left with
nothing. Or worse, left for dead.”
    We left the
house and headed back to the pool house in silence. My mind was
reeling. What did Caleb mean?
    Michael held
the door open for me. I couldn’t hold it in any longer. “What’s
going on?”
    “Nothing.” His
eyes had turned back to their normal shade of blue. “Caleb’s a
dickhead. He’s just mad you wouldn’t tell him what it says in the
    What? Michael
was the one who told Caleb he could wait. “Why didn’t you let me
tell him Bentos wrote the book? That it’s his journal?”
    Michael slammed
the door. “You said you wanted today to be about your graduation!
If you tell Caleb the book’s a journal, he’s going to want you to
read it and tell him what it says! He wouldn’t be satisfied – he
never is.” He threw his hands in the air.
    So Michael had
fought with Caleb because I said I wanted to focus on graduation
today? That didn’t make sense. There had to be something more. I
knew it. “Will it change things if Caleb knows Bentos wrote the
    Michael let out
an exasperated sigh. “Tell him after the ceremony, then. It won’t
change anything if he knows that information later today or after
we leave. Do what you want.”
    I nodded my
head, as if it made total sense. None of it did, but Michael was
obviously in no mood to talk and I had a feeling that if what was
really going on would hurt me in any way, he’d protect me from it
until his dying breath, which also meant it was going to be
difficult to find out the truth.
    A knock on our
door made me jump.
    Grace walked in
hands full of bags, oblivious to the tension between Michael and I.
“You ready for me to do your hair, Rouge?”
    “Where you just
at the house?” Michael asked her.
    “Hello to you
too, brother.” Grace laughed. “I haven’t been inside the house yet.
I left to grab some hair products and run a few errands. Why?
What’s up?”
    “Nothing.” He
grabbed his car keys off the small table by the door. “I’ll get out
of here and let you get ready.” He brushed past her for the door
and then paused a moment before turning around. He glanced at me
but wouldn’t look me in the eye. “Have fun. What time do I need to
be back to pick Rouge up?”
    Grace waved her
hand as she dug through one of the bags. “Rouge and I can drive
together in my car. You can go with Sarah and Caleb.” She glanced
up when he snorted. “Or on your own if you want?” Her last line
came out more as a question than a comment.
    Michael nodded.
“See you there.” He disappeared out the door.
    Grace held up
three kinds of hair irons. “You want it curly? Straight? Or
    If Michael
wasn’t going to say anything to Grace, neither would I. “What do
you think?” I grabbed one of the stool

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