Marked by Destiny
chairs and set it by the
counter. “Do we need anything from the bathroom?”
    “Nope. I have
it all here.” She set several brushes, combs, hair products on the
counter. “Sit and let me play dress up!”
straightened my hair, applied my make-up and got my dress out,
babbling the whole time. It was a blessing. It gave me time to let
everything settle and regain my equilibrium. She did her hair and
then ran back to the house to get dressed as I changed.
    I waited
impatiently for her to return. I had no intention of going inside
the house to get her. I just wanted to get out of the pool house
and stop thinking about the Wolf Book and all the chaos that
surrounded it.
    The book lay on
the coffee table where Michael had put it this morning before
everything had blown up uncontrollably. I checked my watch. We
didn’t have to be at the school for another twenty minutes. I ran
the warm, worn leather binding over my hand.
    What would
happen if I read the first page, just to see what Bentos had
written? Would it give answers to what had happened this
silhouette passed by the windows as she came back up to the pool
house. It would have to wait. I set the Wolf Book on top of the
diary I had started writing. If I kept the two books together I
could pack them later that evening to take along in the Jeep. I
made a mental note to write something in my journal after
graduation. I should be trying to capture my feelings while they
were fresh, not later on when I would just tell the story and
forget the emotions I had felt while it happened.

    As Grace and I
drove to the high school in her little yellow Beetle for the last
time, I sat quiet, staring out the window lost in thoughts of
uncertainty. I tried not to think about what Caleb had said but I
couldn’t shake the fact that he was hiding something, and Michael
was too. I felt cheated. A little voice inside told me that I was
hiding things as well. We all had secrets.
    Grace chattered
on about what the other girls would be wearing, that she was
looking forward to taking a few courses in university next fall. I
nearly laughed out loud when I tuned in to what she was saying. I
knew she wasn’t interested in the classes, but the boys that would
be on campus.
    “I’m ready for
a little fun,” she said. “These high school boys are much too young
and can’t handle anything. I need to find a nice young professor
and play around a little.”
    I turned away
from the window and stared at her. I’d hit the nail on the head. I
giggled and tried to keep a straight face at the same time.
“Interesting concept you have there on your university
    “You go ahead
and laugh!” She shook a finger at me teasingly. “You have Michael
and I’ve had no one since Seth left.”
    “Excuse me?”
Seth was part of the Higher Coven, like a way younger brother to
Caleb. He had helped us out last January but had also lost his
partner Tatianna, in a fight with the werewolves. “You and Seth?”
He was younger than Caleb, but still…
    “Oops, I could
have sworn I told you.” She grinned at me slyly.
    “You told me
nothing!” Seth seemed to be quite the lady’s man but there was a
unique connection between him and Grace. This morning’s incident
forgotten, I pushed her for info. “What happened?”
    “Not much.”
    “Liar!” I
    “Okay. Maybe a
bit of… lustful-limbo.”
limbo?” I laughed again. ‘Seriously? Did Seth or you call it that?”
Another thought crossed my mind. “Is this your first time with
    She hesitated
before grinning. “No, and don’t you dare tell Michael! He would be
    Forget Michael,
Caleb would be beyond furious if he knew. At least I wasn’t the
only one in the doghouse. “So, what’s he like?” Virgin me knew
nothing, but Seth seemed so knowledgeable. So did Grace, even if
she didn’t act like she was.
Excellent! Very thorough and very enjoyable!”

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