It's Only Make Believe

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Book: It's Only Make Believe by Roseanne Dowell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roseanne Dowell
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Anna minded. Michele swore the bigger the meals the more it delighted the cook. The delicious aroma of Italian spices and garlic invited her into the kitchen. Anna stood at the stove stirring a large pot.
    “Are you cooking for an army?” Michele pulled a spoon from the drawer and dipped into the large pot to sample the sauce. “Hmm,” she licked her lips and savored the spicy sauce. “Anna, you should have opened a restaurant. This is divine.”
    Anna’s face glowed and her grin threatened to explode her puffy cheeks. “I’m happy to see you eating for a change. You young women think it’s so important to stay thin, you look, what’s the word ano...? It’s about time you put some meat on your bones.”
    “Anorexic?” Michele looked down at her thin frame and noticed she had put on a little weight. Her skirts and slacks had become a little snug. All the fattening food Anna tempted her with had increased her appetite. Vowing to begin a diet tomorrow, she dug into the large plate of pasta Anna set before her. “Anna this is scrumptious. She bit into a piece of homemade garlic bread. Anna topped the meal off with an amaretto cheesecake for dessert. Michele sat back and patted her stomach. Stuffed from the large meal, she couldn’t remember ever having eaten so much. Hopefully, she wasn’t becoming one of those stress eaters. The fact she and Brad had become so distant scared her. Strange, just a few months ago, she hadn’t even wanted this marriage. Had only agreed when Brad suggested they only stay married to satisfy their parents.
    The phone rang. “I’ll get it, Michele yelled, hoping it was Brad. She hoped the disappointment didn’t show, when she heard her mother’s voice. “Michele, why are you answering the phone?” Her mother started on her as soon as she answered. “Why do you have a maid, if you continue to do her job?”
    Michele had avoided her mother after their last meeting. Her comments about not understanding why Brad spent so much time in San Francisco irritated Michele. She’d even hinted that maybe there was more going on than Michele realized. Not something she wanted to hear. Michele had enough doubts of her own without her mother adding to them.
    Michele walked around the newly painted room, trying to draw calmness from the warm color, while her mother ranted and raved about Michele not spending any time with her.
    “Really, Michele, I don’t understand why you can’t set aside one afternoon a week for lunch at the club with Myra and me.”
    Michele made excuses that she was busy with work. “I’m usually free on Thursday, Mother.” Knowing full well, her mother had meetings on Thursdays. She recalled the disaster last time she had lunch with her mother and Myra. Myra had insisted Michele call her Mother Lawson. Michele almost gagged at the thought. She had always called her Aunt Myra. So now she made it a point to look at Brad’s mother when she spoke, thereby avoiding the necessity of using the awful phrase. Mrs. Lawson and her mother had questioned her all through lunch about Brad’s lengthy business trips. They even hinted it was Michele’s fault. Both women had tried to give her advice to help her marriage succeed.
    “You must put him first, dear,” her mother said. “Your job isn’t top priority. I don’t understand why you insist on working anyway. Brad’s income should amply support you.”
    “I work because it’s my business and I enjoy it, Mother.” Michele tried to explain. “Besides, with Brad gone so much it fills my time.”
    “You should do more volunteering to fill your time. There’s always the charity at the club, Michele,” Myra added. “It would show Brad he’s first in your life.”
    Michele couldn’t believe it. Both women were so involved in their so-called charities and the club they hardly had any time for their family, let alone their husbands. She didn’t need their advice and certainly didn’t care to listen to them suggest she

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