Luna's Sokjan (Book one)
the Sōkjan
would be a man.” He said and grinned at me.
    And not the crazy bitch
tiger that saved my ass?
    “I get that a lot.” I said
as I placed the glass on the desk. “So what can I do for you Mr.
    “Gabriel, please.” He said
as he leaned back against the desk and crossed his brawny arms over
his chest. “We have a young girl missing, and I need your help to
find her.”
    “When did she go missing?”
I asked him.
    I relaxed back against the
chair gazing at the wall behind him.
    “Four days ago. She makes
the third girl from the pack, and from what, Tiberius, the Alpha of
the Watauga cat clan, says he has three girls missing
    I knew about the one girl,
Adam had told me about her, before I left for German town. Now, why
would the dumb-ass Alphas not ask for my help before now? I
considered what I would say and weighed my words
    “A total of six missing
girls and you’re just now come to me? Why the fuck did you wait so
long?” I snarled out.
    My anger threatened to
explode; this was just too close to Meg’s murder. Thanks
    He growled
    Whatever, I could take him
if I had to.
    “I will need any
information that you on the missing girls, and the cats have
gathered. With any luck, I can find them, before their dead.” I
told him before I stood up, time to go.
    Adam could help me fill in
any holes their information had. It could be another compulsion
demon, but two at almost the same time. Well that was unheard of
and would be extremely grim news. Had someone opened a portal to
hell and left the damn thing open?
    “McKenna, I am requesting
the help of the Sōkjan. I know I have the right to see the marks.”
His voice was cold and controlled.
    His tone pulled me from my
    “I have already agreed to
help you. Why do you need to see the mark? “I asked.
    It was a fair
    “It has been explained to
me,” he began, “In order to seal the bond or arrangement between us
you have to show me the marks.”
    I knew I couldn’t leave
without complying with his request. I just wanted to know who had
told him the rules. Once I knew who had clued him in, I would have
a little talk with that person. Telling people about the Sōkjan’s
marks was enough to get a body killed. Hmmm, it would have had to
be another Sōkjan.
    I felt his power again, it
pushed against me, and it pissed me off. I’d walked into a fucking
trap, and I would have to play his game. I only hoped I survived
long enough to find the bastard who had ousted me.
    “Fine!” I said tightly. I
was barely winning the battle to suppress my rage. “If you don’t
stop pushing your power around me Alpha, I’ll start pushing
    It was the only warning I
would give him.
    I jerked my leather jacket
off and dropped it in the chair. Pulling my shirt up, I placed two
fingers on my waist just below the ribs, never taking my eyes from
    Want to play games
dumb-ass? I’ll show you games.
    “Seek what you hide from
all who need not see.” I bit the words out.
    The pain was intense as
the tattoo moved, shifted, and crawled over my skin, when it
stopped it revealed the sunburst mark.
    “The binding is done,
Alpha. I agree to find the girls, and bring justice to all who are
guilty.” I bit out the words of the verbal contract. Lowering my
shirt, with his nod, I reached for my jacket. “I will be in contact
with you soon.” I told him and headed for the door.
    “Tell me, McKenna. Why
hasn’t Tiberius ever heard of you? I contacted him after you left
the village the other night. He has never heard of any white
tigress in this area. Why is that, McKenna?” He asked my
    I stopped with my hand on
the door handle.
    I groaned aloud, perfect
just fucking perfect! I glared at the door. Now I had to contact
the cat clan if I wanted to stay in the area. They wouldn’t care
that I had been living here for the past two years and had not
greeted them before now. Werecats didn’t have the same

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