Freedom (Delroi Prophecy)

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Book: Freedom (Delroi Prophecy) by Loribelle Hunt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loribelle Hunt
patients right at hand. The problem was she thought it was a lot more than that. But since she couldn’t say what, she didn’t have any reason to protest did she? They were the ones seeking asylum. The Delroi didn’t have to give it. She sighed.
    “Okay. Fine. As long as the three of us stay together.”
    “ No problem,” Roarr said, but the smile he gave her said it was going to be a very big problem indeed. For her.
    Roarr wanted to shout his relief. He finally was getting the cagey woman in his territory. She’d spent the flight to Delroi fighting him or avoiding him. She wouldn’t be able to do that anymore. He was hoping to have everything settled between them before he took her to the Keep tomorrow. There were things he’d expected needed doing in Saber City, but Barak had anticipated them and everything was in place. He was ready to hurry Kareena out, when Britt stepped forward and stopped them. She gave him an amused knowing look as she approached.
    “ We’re going shopping,” she said, with a sweet smile that hid the assassin Roarr knew her to be. She sidled up to Barak, tucked her hand in his back pocket, and fluttered her eyelashes. “I know you’re busy, but I’m sure Roarr and his brother can come play guard duty.”
    Barak’s eye twitched, but he held back his laugh, which Roarr was damned grateful for. He’d seen his chief’s der’lan in several roles but this one stunned him. Give her a gun and he wouldn’t bat an eye. But acting like a Delroi female? The sun was more likely to explode. He watched her warily.
    “ We could do that. What are you shopping for?”
    “ Oh, lots of things,” she said airily. “I’ve seen your house, Roarr. But we’ll start with clothes.”
    “ What’s wrong with my house?” he asked, insulted.
    She just arched an eyebrow. “You’ll see.”
    There was nothing wrong with his house, damn it. It had been in his family for a thousand years. Kareena laughed and he was so charmed he almost missed her words. “Maybe that’s the problem?”
    He enjoyed her gentle teasing, but that wasn’t why he grinned back at her. That wall she’d put between them, trying to block their bond, crumbled a little more every moment they spent together. She’d read his thoughts without thinking of the consequences. She was beginning to trust him whether she wanted to admit it or not. It wouldn’t be long before she was sharing more of herself. Her secrets, her background, how she’d been captured. He was haunted by those mysteries.
    It hadn’t been a full week since they’d rescued her, but every night when he closed his eyes he saw her when she’d come out of that small prison. It still made him want to kill. He knew he’d get over that to some degree. Eventually. He wasn’t so sure she would get over her determination to stay unfettered. And the bond between der’lans didn’t work that way. Once it was completed, neither of them would ever be free.
    He hadn’t really believed the stories. Hadn’t believed there was woman who was his perfect match until he’d met her. Convincing her of that was proving a more difficult challenge than he’d anticipated.
    “Let’s get this over with then.” He sighed. If he had to shop to get Kareena in his home, fine.
    Britt took them to clothing stores. He could have kicked himself for not thinking of it first. The three women were wearing borrowed clothes, shoes, and cloaks. Of course, they’d want and need their own things. He was a little concerned going with Britt, however. She hadn’t adjusted to Delroi dress yet. She stuck to combat pants and form fitting long sleeved shirts. Roarr wanted to see Kareena dressed as his woman should. So he asserted himself in a realm he’d never have dreamed of before. He stepped forward, took the black slacks out of her hands, and turned to the proprietor, cocking an eyebrow.
    “ Find something appropriate for my der’lan ,” he ordered. The woman nodded and hustled off. He took

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