
Read Online Nightclans by Gerard Bond - Free Book Online

Book: Nightclans by Gerard Bond Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gerard Bond
Tags: Science-Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy
incidents were connected.” Wollfen disagreed,
    “Don't forget I also had a run in with a couple of orcs before I arrived here for the wedding ceremony, that’s a total of three attacks in three days by over a dozen orcs. It  doesn’t matter how you look at it, that’s a lot even by Nightclan standards.” Ironside grunted in response thinking about it.
    Wollfen was right, it didn’t look good at all, but what could they do? The clan couldn’t go anywhere new and couldn’t call on other Nightclans to help. He knew they were having similar problems.
    “I don’t like not having any answers we have always managed to deal with whatever was thrown at us before.”
    Wollfen felt Ironside was holding something back. He usually was an open book and while talking he was only going over things already discussed before.
    “What is it? There’s something you aren’t telling me,” Wollfen fixed him with a stare, pushing him a little to go on. “Something is troubling you greatly my friend.”
    Ironside sighed and looked around the encampment studying all his clans people. Finally he turned back to Wollfen who was patiently waiting.
    “I fear for the future of this clan, I believe our time is coming to an end.”
    Ironside stopped and let out a big breath, it had been hard to put voice to his fears and hearing himself say it out loud somehow made it all too real. There was silence now between the two of them and Ironside continued to study his people watching them go about their normal camp life. Finally he once again turned back,
    “May I ask something of you Wollfen?” He nodded for Ironside to go on, “You have plenty of contacts in the Kingdom and you can move freely between there and the clans. So let me lay it all on the line for you. There may come a time in the near future when the Clan is on the verge of collapse,” Again he paused before going on, “Would you rescue the children and any of the young adults if that comes to pass? Could you find safe haven for them in the west?”
    Wollfen was taken aback by the request, this talk seemed a bit extreme especially coming from such a proud Nightclan warrior but he understood where he was coming from.
    “I'm not sure there would be much I could do, the Kingdom folk have no empathy for any Nightclan people.” Ironside gripped Wollfen's forearm on the table and looked him directly in the eye,
    “I know it's a lot to ask, but I must do whatever I can to help save who I can no matter what it means for the Nightclan way of life.”
    Again Wollfen hesitated, if you had told him Ironside had decided to start wearing dresses and makeup he could not have been more shocked. For a Nightclan leader to ask what Ironside was suggesting, it was tantamount to spitting in  the eyes of the gods. Nightclan people were too proud to ever admit defeat. It brought home to him just how serious a situation the Nightclans were facing. Finally he slowly nodded before replying,
    “I will do whatever I can my friend, I will not let you down. Let me give it some thought and I will get back to you later today with some ideas on how to handle that. “
    “Thank you Wollfen, it means a lot to me to know you will do something.”
    Wollfen stood, left the bench and went off to find Raven. He knew she wasn’t due to go out on patrol yet and wanted to talk to her about what could be done.
    He walked around the encampment for about ten minutes before finally coming across her talking to Elith. He stood back and discreetly waited until they were done. It turned out to be a long wait and he could hear terse words being exchanged. Then Elith arose and stalked off, he walked over and sat down next to Raven who was deep in thought. He didn’t say anything but waited until she was ready to speak.
    Looking up finally she gave a small smile to him and shrugged,
    “I do still care about her but she can be a royal pain in the ass though, she can make me angry, I almost gave her a smack in the mouth.”

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