Meant To Be

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Book: Meant To Be by Donna Marie Rogers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Marie Rogers
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    Without waiting for a response, she dashed across the lawn to the sanctuary of her front porch. As she searched around the bottom of her purse for her keys, she watched Garrett lovingly cradle Ethan in his arms and carry him into the house. Now, how in the world was she supposed to have a purely sexual relationship with a man who evoked such strong feelings of home, hearth, and family? With a reluctant sigh, she opened the door and dragged her tired bones inside.
    Thank God she had the next day off, because she planned to climb into bed and sleep the day away. With a jaw-popping yawn, she made her way into the bedroom and collapsed face-down on the bed.
    * * * *
    The pounding started at eight a.m. Jessica cracked an eye open and scowled at her alarm clock. Who the hell could be inconsiderate enough to use a hammer this early in the morning? Who in their right mind—
    "Uncle Garrett, I found the other hammer!"
    Well, doesn't that just figure. Jessica flopped onto her back and let out a curse that would have earned her a pinch on the arm from Grandma McGovern. Hadn't she suffered through enough torture with the big gorgeous jerk making an appearance in every dream she'd had? Morphing from the delivery guy at the restaurant, to the man behind the counter at the gas station, to the hunk who'd taken her fast-food order last weekend.
    The hammering became louder and faster. Jessica threw the sheet aside and flounced from the bed. She stalked into the kitchen to put on a pot of water for tea, then ran into the bathroom to brush her teeth, wash her face, and run a comb through her hair.
    Halfway through her second cup, a rap sounded on the screen door.
    "Hey, Jess, you awake?” Garrett shouted.
    She rolled her eyes and turned to glower at the back door. Maybe if she kept quiet he'd get bored and go away.
    "Jess? Come on, sweetheart, you don't plan to sleep all day, do you?"
    Sleep all—? What a jackass! She set her mug down with a thud, stormed to the back door, and swung it open. “I'd love to know how a person can,” she made the quote signs, “sleep all day when her inconsiderate neighbor is pounding away in the backyard. Just what in the world are you two doing back there anyway?"
    Garrett grinned, fueling her anger. When she tried to slam the door in his face, he yanked open the screen door and stepped inside.
    "Can't you just go away and leave me alone?” She plopped back down on the chair and swiped up her mug of tea. Reluctantly, she admired the skintight fit of the black T-shirt stretched across his broad chest. He wore a holey old pair of faded Levi's and those sexy black biker boots.
    Garrett spun the chair next to hers around and straddled it. When a whole minute of silence went by, she looked up and snapped, “Well, what is it? Why are you just sitting there gawking at me?"
    "You're not exactly a morning person, are you?” He flipped open the box of powdered sugar donuts and helped himself to the last one. He wolfed it down then had the nerve to comment, “Sara's are much better. You shouldn't waste your money on the packaged kind."
    Jessica shot to her feet and jabbed a finger toward the door. “Get out! Right now, I mean it!"
    The infuriating man had the gall to smile. Jessica was about two seconds away from dumping her tea on his head—even if she had to climb up on her chair to do it.
    "Listen, I just came by to see if I could take you out to dinner tonight. There's a nice Italian restaurant over on Twelfth Avenue that makes the best chicken parmesan I've ever had. Don't tell Sara I said that,” he added with a conspiratorial wink.
    She pinned him with her most disgruntled look and let out a hearty sigh. “If I say yes, will you leave?"
    Garrett rose to his feet and turned the chair back around. Mr. Louie chose that moment to drop down from his perch on the windowsill and start circling figure eights between Garrett's legs. “Glad to see someone's in a good mood this morning.” He reached

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