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Book: Nightclans by Gerard Bond Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gerard Bond
Tags: Science-Fiction, Science Fiction & Fantasy
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Wollfen's tent and then went over to the cooking area to gather some dried venison and fruit. Raven looked at everything being done and couldn’t help but comment,
    “We are going to have all this done by lunchtime, why did you ask for the afternoon to prepare too?” He looked at her and wasn’t really sure what to say,
    “Um, I can't really say for sure but the feelings of what happened yesterday are still too fresh for me, I really didn’t want to go out again this afternoon on patrol.”
    Hearing that Raven was actually glad, she didn’t like her patrols anymore. She leaned over and gave him a pinch on the bum.
    “Ouch, that’s my reward?' Wollfen glowered at her humorously as she giggled.
    Later at lunch they sat back eating their meal, Ironside's spirits had lifted and was in a jolly mood Raven noticed, it was like a burden had lifted a bit off his shoulders.
    “I am feeling hopeful for this trip you are taking Wollfen, it's the first real ray of hope I have seen in awhile.”
    “I have some ideas about the areas I want to travel to, I know the Lord Cazzara in Gevalia and he is a good man, I don’t know any of the nobles further south in Windere and will only approach there if I fail in Gevalia. I think the capital city of Kassandrea is definitely out, they would have no time for Nightclan at all. What I’m thinking is Lord Cazzara could pass a law allowing a small group of Nightclan refugees be resettled in the Northern outlands, there is a small population there but since some of them already trade with the clans I can't see there being too much of a problem.” Wollfen looked to Ironside for approval and could see from his smile that he was pleased,  “Don't worry my friend we are going to work this out.”
    Ironside slapped his back firmly causing Wollfen to almost spit out the morsel of bread in his mouth,
    “You are a good man! I will be in great debt to you if you pull this off. Alright I will leave you two to it, take care for now.”
    They nodded as Ironside walked off. Raven looked back at Wollfen and was wondering if she was going to meet an actual Lord?
    “Really? You know the Lord Cazzara? Will I have to wear one of those gods awful huge dresses those women wear? Even shoes?” He laughed out loud at the image of seeing Raven in all that finery,
    “Somehow I think you would have to be held down kicking and screaming to have any chance of that happening.” Raven winked at the comment,
    “Too right.”
    The next day found the two of them riding side by side along a trail through the woods, it was nice here as the tree canopy kept the glare of the hot sun off their backs. It was easy going and Wollfen was enjoying it.
    “I expect we shall hit the outskirts of a town on the evening of the second day, do you know of Westre-snow?”
    Raven was very well aware of it even if she had never visited, a number of traders came from that place when selling or trading wares with the Nightclans.
    “I have heard of it and it's supposed to be a huge population here in the north, I have heard it can be a dangerous place not to be taken lightly.” Wollfen chuckled at the description,
    “I wouldn’t call it huge, it has maybe six hundred people living there and by Kingdom standards that’s a small to medium sized village. As for being dangerous it isn’t really, I am sure stories are told though to keep curious Nightclans away.” Raven's eyes were wide,
    “Six hundred people are you serious? That’s huge! I can't imagine that many people all in one place.”
    I will tell you what's huge, Kassandrea has something like eighty thousand people living there.” Raven could not comprehend such numbers, she sat there riding along shaking her head in wonderment.
    “What of Gevalia how big is that?” Wollfen got to thinking, it was still a large city but he would estimate less than half the size of Kassandrea,
    “I would say about thirty thousand people?” Raven shivered at the thought,
    “Doesn’t it

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