Luna's Sokjan (Book one)
rules as the
werewolves. If a new wolf came into Gabriel’s territory, he would
have three days to approach the Alpha or the pack would hunt him
down, and ask him why he hadn’t.
    All I’d have to do is hold
a meeting with Tiberius. I wouldn’t have to join the local clan if
I didn’t want too, which I didn’t. They would provide me nothing,
but problems, first, I was a rare female white tiger, and second, I
was an Sōkjan. I didn’t want the ties or demands they would try to
impose on me. I could have gladly killed Gabriel, and I could do it
without any remorse.
    “As I have already stated
they also lost three girls,” he continued, “Tiberius was also very
interested in having you investigate their disappearances. I have
already agreed to their terms, and have the information that you
will need.” He said. “All the files are back at the main house.
When we leave here, you can go over the information tonight if you
    “Already agreed to their
terms for me? Already have all the information that I need, do
you?” I continued to glare at the door, because if I turned around
now I would challenge him. “How the hell do you know what I will
agree to and what information I will need?”
    If the cat clan, truly
wanted my help I would have to make separate agreement with them.
That arrangement would override any agreement that Gabriel would
have made for me. The stupid bastard was trying to railroad me, but
    “Who told you about the
Sōkjans?” I asked him tucking my shirt back into my jeans and
putting on my jacket.
    “Don’t.” he said. “I want
to see all of the marks. This is not a request McKenna. I know it
is my right.”
    I banged the door with my
head in frustration and murmured a prayer for understanding. Only
another Sōkjan would know what seeing all the marks would indicate,
I would be bound to him until one of us was dead. It was believed
that once bound, the power of the Sōkjan could be used by the
Alpha. He would be able to tap into my power, and I wouldn’t be
able to stop him, so the old legends told.
    I didn’t know if the
legends were right or not, but I’d be damn if I would be a living
battery for somebody. What I did know was he would be the only
person on earth I couldn’t kill. I could police his pack without
fear of retribution from him.
    I turned and leaned back
against the door studying him. Maybe, I could find a way to kill
him. If I searched through all the old books, I might be able to
find something.
    “No, you can’t completely
understand what you’re asking me to do. You have a bar full of pack
mates Gabriel. If something goes wrong, I could kill every one of
them and you.” And our arrangement would be over, hmmm, there was a
silver lining after all.
    I had heard about an
Sōkjan who was forced to reveal all of his marks. The power from
the binding spell killed everyone within a twenty foot radius. I
raised my chin up.
    “Are you really willing
risk the lives of your pack mates? I have already agreed to help
you find the missing girls, and I will talk to the cat clan. Seeing
the other marks isn’t necessary or needed.” I tried one more time
to reason with him.
    “Yes, I do know what I am
asking you to do, and I do understand what could happen if I am
wrong. I have given this a lot of thought, and I feel that my
decision is the best one for everybody. I have also noticed the
reaction between us and based on that. I’m sure this will work.” He
moved towards me.
    He placed a hand against
the door near my head, and the other cupped the back of my neck
pulling me to him. My blood boiling, my skin burned, as he touched
me. I felt my tattoo crawling over my body in reaction to his
flowing power. The one word I thought I would never hear in my life
echoed through my mind. Mate.
    At times, I wished I could
find the great big laughing bitch, Fate. If I ever found her I
would just punch her in the face over and over again. It might not
change anything, but at

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