Luna's Sokjan (Book one)
least I would feel better.
    “You will show me all your
marks, there should be at least three, and I’ve already seen one,
two to go.” He said just before, he bent his head and his lips
brushed against mine.
    His tongue licked against
my lips, and I opened my mouth to let him in. I lost myself in his
scent and touch. When my power surged forward to mix with his, I
lost my mind.
    Threading my fingers
through his hair, I let go and completely surrendered to the
desires he had awakened in me. My mind was telling me to run away,
but my heart was telling me to stay. I pushed at his chest with my
hands. When did I move them there? I had to get away from this man
and think this through. He looked down at me with a smug smile on
his face.
    “Show me the marks
McKenna.” His voice was thick and husky.
    I shoved past him to throw
myself down into the chair to pull off my boots. Gabriel walked
past me to the desk.
    “I am not responsible for
anything that happens to you or your people.” I said jumping up to
unsnap my jeans.
    Stepping out of my jeans
quickly, and jerking off my shirt. I glared at him as I stood
before him in nothing more than my black bra and bikini underwear.
I turned my back to him and reached up to touch the top of my right
    “Seek what you hide from
all who need not see.” Pain lanced through me as the tattoo moved
and revealed a half dollar sized crescent moon, the mark of the
    Moving my hand down to
touch just above my left hip, “Seek what you hide from all who need
not see.” When the tattoo moved it revealed a circle with a green
tree in the middle of it, the mark of earth.
    Bending I lowered my hand
to the back of my right calf, “Seek what you hide from all who need
not see.” The tattoo revealed a blue tidal wave surrounded by a
circle, the mark for water.
    I turned around to face
him. He looked like he wanted to say something but I quickly moved
my left hand over my left thigh.
    “Seek what you hide from
all who need not see.” The half dollar size circle contained a red,
orange flame, the mark of fire.
    The pain and power
building up inside of me took my breath for a second. I peered
straight into his pale face and took in his shocked
    “It’s not too late to
stop.” I told him in a tight voice, and my body shook with
    He shook his
    From what my mentor told
me, most Sōkjans would only have three marks. Only the truly strong
could have more, I had six.
    I moved my left hand and
placed it on my right hip.
    “Seek what you hide from
all who need not see.” The tattoo moved to reveal a solid silver
circle, the mark of air, the sixth and final mark.
    I hit my knees from the
mind-numbing pain coursing through my body. It was just too much to
take. Wrapping both of my arms around my waist, I bent forward as
the power from the Sōkjan marks tore through my shields holding my
own power in check. The two powers slammed into each and mixed
together. The pain was incredible as it rushed through me. I felt
my knees give. I wanted to die.
    “I seek what hides in the
dark. I seek to see what no one else sees. I seek to hunt the ones
who hunt the innocent and now I will seek for you.” I gasped out
the word to the ancient spell.
    The words fell from my
lips on their own accord, as if they had a life of their own. I
screamed in pain when the last word left my mouth.
    I barely felt the strong
arms pressing me against Gabriel’s chest. I vaguely felt Gabriel’s
cheek pressed against mine, but I heard his words extremely
    “I bind you to me through
the spiritual bond of mate and through all the power of the Sōkjan.
From now until the end of time Branwen you will be mine and only
mine.” His voice had taken on the same Scottish tone from my
    “NO!” I screamed out loud
and tried to fight back his power as it surged forward.
    I threw up shields around
the room trying to contain the wild power to just the office,
before my control snapped. The

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