Love Notes ((Book Two of the Heartbeat Series))

Read Online Love Notes ((Book Two of the Heartbeat Series)) by Renee Lee Fisher - Free Book Online

Book: Love Notes ((Book Two of the Heartbeat Series)) by Renee Lee Fisher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renee Lee Fisher
Tags: Romance
pulls back and he then stands before me. I am nude standing exposed in front of him and I stare at his craving blue eyes and I jump up and straddle him. He catches my ass and sinks his fingers firmly into it. He presses me back to the wall and loudly yells, “Yes, this is how I want to picture you. Madison you are so beautiful, you are my nude work of art.” Rand lifts me higher as he holds me to the solid wall and slams his mouth on mine. He presses my lips with such force and longing. I open my mouth feeding on his taste and craving his touch, and needing him inside me now. He carries me along the wall and never lets me loose from him until we hit our bed. He slowly releases me, but only for a moment to take off his tee shirt as I am already working on releasing his jeans. As he moves inside me I know that everything will be alright. I feel perfect, this is so wonderful. He is everything to me.
    Where is he though? I must be still dreaming because there is a fog now that I see after a show and it is so dark and I only see one light, a glow from the corner of the stage. I see his stunning body leaning there. I call out to him, he doesn’t move or acknowledge me, and he looks so worried. I try to walk toward him but my feet aren’t getting me any closer. I continue yelling his name, and I am waving my arms in the nighttime air. He drops his head and now I am concerned. He turns and his back is to me and he walks but farther and farther away. I see the light at the end like someone has slightly opened a door for a peek. I think he went in that direction. I walk toward it hoping to get to him and comfort him. The light is gone. I am now surrounded by darkness. I see the fog low, skimming the ground as it dusts across my feet and I cannot get oriented as to which direction to head. Confusion is settling in on me and I am getting scared as I try to make a move and feel frozen and Rand is gone. Just when I think I am alone in the dark I hear voices speaking coming into my ears in a very low conversation.
    A masculine voice is talking, “Our patient came through really well without any complications, she is very lucky to be alive. We found she sustained a skull fracture.” A woman starts crying interrupting his news. “No let me explain, your daughter has a linear skull fracture, which is like a fine line crack in a piece of china, fortunately not a compound fracture with a protruding bone. There was though a large opening where bacteria could get into and we were successful in getting that closed up quickly. She has a strong head that was very resilient with the hit that she sustained. I think she will heal very quickly, but it is very painful.” He then continued to give his orders, “Let’s keep her lightly sedated to keep her comfortable, and reduce some of her pain.” I hear a female voice, “Yes Doctor.” Then the man’s voice speaks again and I overhear that there was a severe broken leg that needed immediate attention. As he continues speaking in his medical terms, I am able to pick out the important words, a back injury and several fractured ribs. Then a female voice adds in a very soft compassionate tone, “What a shame that she had to lose the baby.” I then hear another woman, who I believe is my mother, start to cry very loudly. Wait. I freeze, did I just hear a baby was lost. I hear beeping sounds playing over and over all sounding and then I feel a prick in my vein a cool liquid surge under my skin and a prick pulling out of my arm. The beeping noises have silenced and I no longer hear voices. I feel so alone, I think they have all left. Why are they leaving me all by myself? Could my condition have turned grave?
    I have no notebook to write in and no pen or computer. I cannot open my eyes to focus on anything. In my head I picture a notepad with crisp empty white paper. I want to get a message to Rand and so I mentally write it:
    Oh, God, something horrible has happened. I only remember parts

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