The Angels' Share

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Book: The Angels' Share by Maya Hess Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maya Hess
Kinrade now?’ I locked eyes with him. A deal was a deal, even if he did have his fingers a breath away from me neglecting to ask any useful questions at all. To my horror, Dominic shrugged.
    ‘Not sure, to be honest.’
    ‘Well, when’s he back?’ The quiver in my voice reflected the tiny waves that amplified between my legs. I pressed my knees together in an attempt to keep him out.
    ‘Not sure of that either.’ Dominic slid his hands together by an inch. Several of his fingers now nestled in the fine triangle of hair at the top of my legs, preventing me from delivering the indignant reply he deserved.
    ‘Do you know anything about him?’ I bored hard into his eyes, determined to get some kind of an answer for such risk.
    I was kept waiting as he frowned and allowed his thumbs to drift into the furrow that led to my sex. His touch was preceded by an electrical force field that acted as an early warning to my body. Useless, however, in that it caused meltdown rather than retreat. I tried to concentrate in order to remember the details that Dominic would hopefully reveal but it took all my willpower to stop my hips rocking as his thumbs eased slowly to where they shouldn’t.
    ‘I think it’s only fair that you give me details,’ I said. ‘I’ve more than lived up to my side of the deal.’
    ‘He’s a lonely man,’ Dominic replied. His hands paused in a moment of thought. ‘He lives here by himself and, well,’ he looked to the fireplace, a bleak tinge to his eyes, ‘I think he resents it.’ Dominic withdrew his hands from my body as if I was in the way of a sudden rush of feelings and then he gestured around the room to indicate, I supposed, Creg-ny-Varn.
    ‘He doesn’t like the Manor?’ My delight was hard to conceal.
    ‘The emptiness of it, rather than the place itself.’ Dominic sighed.
    ‘You must know him very well.’ I almost felt guilty at digging up an obviously emotive subject. ‘But he’s lucky to have you as a friend. You obviously care about him.’ But my guilt passed quickly. I was standing naked, allowing a virtual stranger to prise between my legs. My own emotions rose and I reached for my clothes.
    ‘No, don’t. Please.’ There was seriousness in the gardener’s voice. ‘There’s more I can tell you.’
    I clutched my camisole to my breasts, not sure I could hear this naked. I wanted to learn everything about the man who had obviously conned his way into the estate but more than that, way more, I wanted to ease Dominic back onto the bed and allow him to become my living fantasy. The push-pull force was too great so I stood dumbly before him with my thoughts behaving as if I was drunk and my body teased to unbearable dizziness by Dominic’s gaze and brief touch.
    ‘Mr Kinrade understands his responsibility to the estate. He manages the place impeccably. The distillery exports whisky all over the world and Glen Broath has made quite a name for itself in the States.’
    ‘But?’ I didn’t want this although knew I had to dig for information. What I really wanted was Dominic delving into me.
    ‘But he never asked for the role. You have to know him to understand that.’
    It was my own fault for accepting such a deal. Whoever said ‘never mix business and pleasure’ was right. The line between information and potential bliss was blurring fast and I had to decide on which side of it I was standing. I breathed in and closed my eyes briefly.
    ‘That’s my problem. I don’t know him. I do know, however, that he is an impostor.’ Then I stepped forward and allowed the weight of my body to topple Dominic the gardener back onto the antique bedspread before silencing my own mouth by investigating the hard line of his jaw with my lips. He didn’t slacken as I had expected but tensed as my words ricocheted between us. I could only deduce that he knew and cared for Ethan Kinrade very much. And it was the ignition between my legs, however tentatively it had been applied, and

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