Shadow of the Horsemen (Kalie's Journey)

Read Online Shadow of the Horsemen (Kalie's Journey) by Sandra Saidak - Free Book Online

Book: Shadow of the Horsemen (Kalie's Journey) by Sandra Saidak Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandra Saidak
Tags: Historical fiction
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didn’t judge Larren for it.
    But the younger woman only laughed bitterly. “I’d rid myself of this thing, if I had the right herbs! When we first came here, I swore I’d never bring a child into a world such as this. Now, I can’t even keep that vow! What about you?”
    “It appears the healers back home were correct: I can’t conceive. At least I haven’t yet.”
    “Praise the Goddess—“ Larren broke off. “That’s something I haven’t said in longer than I can remember. There are days when I think that I dreamed the life we used to have; that this—“ She swept an arm to indicate the grassland stretching to the horizon—“is all that’s ever been, and ever will be.”
    Kalie was trying desperately to think of something to say to that, when Varena came running through the crowd that swirled around them. “Kalie! Thank the gods I found you! You must come quickly!”
    “What is it?” Kalie hurried over to the panting girl.
    “Cassia!” Varena gasped. “She’s lost the baby.”

Chapter 6
    Kalie raced back to the tent nearly as panicked as the girl behind her, her mind leaping from her encounter with Larren to this new crisis. What could have happened? Was Cassia in danger as well? Could she do anything to save her if she was?
    Inside the tent, the air was subdued. Irisa sat smirking in one corner, combing wool while she nursed her new son. Altia’s two daughters sat silently by the pot that held the evening meal, stirring occasionally, and looking frightened. Altia herself sat beside Cassia, in the second wife’s sleeping cubicle, with the curtain drawn back to admit light. Cassia lay rigid, her face pinched and white, her mouth a tight line. As Kalie approached, Altia reached toward the stained rags between Cassia’ legs. Cassia glared at the senior wife, and Kalie saw she held a knife.
    Altia backed away, and then noticed Kalie. “She won’t let anyone near her but you! Foolish, since this all of this is your fault, but there you are. See what you can do for her.” Altia moved away.
    Kalie knelt beside Cassia and called for Varena to bring her a lamp. With the extra light in place, she gently removed Cassia’s clothing, trying not to let her hands shake. Cassia relaxed noticeably, but her face only shifted to bleak acceptance. “What happened?” Kalie asked.
    “Nothing! I was sewing. I felt a cramp. Then, the bleeding started.”
    “Just one cramp? Try to relax; I have to see between your legs.” Cassia lay rigid, as if by not moving she could keep the baby from slipping from her body.
    “Only one bad one. There may have been some other small ones.”
    The first thing Kalie noticed was that there was very little blood. It was a frightening amount, of course, but at nearly six moon spans, there should be more. Was this a sign of even worse trouble, with a dead child trapped within Cassia’s body? Or could it mean, just possibly, that the child still lived?
    Kalie’s fingers gently probed Cassia’s abdomen. It was still the size one would expect this far along. Maybe this would be a slow loss, or…something moved under Kalie’s fingers. Cassia gasped, her hands flying to her belly. “Kalie?” she whispered.
    “Lie still! Breathe slowly.” Kalie went limp with relief as she realized the child was not dead. For a moment she wanted to strangle Varena for frightening her, then forgot that thought as she struggled to remember what might be done to help Cassia hang on to this tenuous bit of life.
    Kalie bundled up furs and cushions, and used them to prop up Cassia legs. “Stay like you are, on your back, but keep your legs up, and keep breathing like I showed you. You’ve had some bleeding, but the baby still lives. I’m going to make you some tea.” And anything else I can think of!
    Cassia fixed Kalie with a desperate gaze. “Can you save my baby?” she whispered.
    For a moment, Kalie was filled with avaricious thoughts of how good life might become for herself and Varena

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