Love Notes ((Book Two of the Heartbeat Series))

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Book: Love Notes ((Book Two of the Heartbeat Series)) by Renee Lee Fisher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renee Lee Fisher
Tags: Romance
back of her head and she left but I didn’t get to speak to her. I had just woken and was still so drowsy, I felt so drained and again I couldn’t keep my lids opened. I fade off again. This time in my head, I remember getting hit. I yelled out, I cried, I felt the powerful thrust of a vehicle colliding with my body. It threw me. I tried to move, I felt the pinch in my arm from the needle, and I attempted to lift my head but the pain was so intense that I only brought it up an inch and then laid it back to the pillow. I heard the nurse next to me and she said, “There, there Madison let’s give you something to keep you resting comfortable.”
    My body became calm. Another dream took over. I was remembering a long time ago when I was first asked to write an article for local bands. I really don’t want to do writing of up and coming bands, I was trying to put together another piece for my column that had more substance. I liked music though, so maybe it wouldn’t be too bad. I think the editor must have had a family member in one of the bands but wouldn’t share that with me. I gave in and said I would do the story.
    It surprised me that there were many up and coming bands right in our local vicinity. I had a pile of music on my desk to listen to and various lists of the band names and their players. I decided to narrow it down to five local bands although all local bands would get exposure as I would list them all in the contents of the article. I wanted to find one that I could write about that stood out. It was the Rolling Isaac’s band that I kept coming back to. As I was still working on another column, each day I opened their band summary and glanced at the photograph of the musicians…Max Rand. As I put on their music and played it, my fingers started to dance across my keyboard with such precision. I couldn’t stop the feelings that rushed into me from their melody and lyrics. I also could not get Max Rand’s face out of my mind.
    At dinner Thomas asked how my writing was going and I told him that I was working on a new piece about the bands. He listened as I went on and on, explaining that there was this one band that really stood out and that was the Rolling Isaac’s. Thomas commented that he had heard a few of their songs featured and he too agreed they were pretty good. As we spoke and ate our meal, I licked my lips removing the last taste of my meal, but also with a daydream of Max Rand. I thought of him focusing in on me and singing to me. I was one of an entire audience at a concert but felt like it was a solo performance. Thomas had to reach over and take my hand at the dinner table to make me come back to reality.
    I found myself searching for more information on the band and anything else I could locate of Max Rand. I couldn’t understand how a file of rock bands to sift through had started to make me crazy, obsessive in trying to find out all about this young man. Max Rand was entirely captivating, and yes, younger than me. I don’t know why that thought ever crossed my mind. I do know that one evening I got home and Thomas was in the shower and as I decided to go in and join him, I thought for a moment that it was going to be Max Rand in there as I opened up the steamed glass door. When I opened the shower and walked in, Thomas told me he had a long day and was just finishing up. He kissed me as he grabbed his towel and walked out. I stood in the shower as the fog rose from the heated waters that sprayed down. I let myself go. My fingers traveled down my body and the sensation of the waters pulsing on my core, I helped myself along. I was seeking pleasure, my own contentment and as my eyes remained closed and the wetness dropped down my face. I saw one image clear in my mind, Max Rand. I wondered how his hand would feel touching me and there I was letting myself go in this fantasy. I was so wishing he was here in this moment. I let go, I felt bliss in that moment that shuttered from between my

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