Love Notes ((Book Two of the Heartbeat Series))

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Book: Love Notes ((Book Two of the Heartbeat Series)) by Renee Lee Fisher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renee Lee Fisher
Tags: Romance
of it and they seem like snapshots that were taken so quickly. Jillian and I were walking the park and having a great day. I was missing you and telling her just that. The sun was shining and the park was filled with bikers, joggers and tourists. I remember a truck coming right at me. I had a second to move Jillian further back. I don’t think that mattered much as I heard her cries and the pain that was in them. I felt my body being thrown back with such force. I couldn’t even break the fall to the ground. I remember not moving and only thinking that someone has to get to you and tell you that I love you. I know you hear me tell you but at this moment it is really important that you know how much I truly love you. Moments like this you never know the final outcome. You wish you could say everything that you never got the chance to say. I know we talk about so much together, and I know we share a special love together. Right now though, if I would never see you another day or have you fill my heart, I would want you to know you were the best part of my entire lifetime. I look up at the sky as my body is laid on the ground. I see the blue sky, like your eyes, and that makes me calm knowing that I am being looked over. I know you aren’t near me but I feel that you will be. I only hope you come to me soon. I need to feel you near me. I need to reach out and touch you and let you know I love you. Rand, I never felt so in love as I do when I am with you. My body feels broken, my pain is immense but my heart is filled with you. I cannot add this to my growing pile of handwritten Love Notes as I have nothing to write it on. I will just engrave in my mind with all my loving thoughts of you and a life ahead forever. Rand you are mine forever. My head really hurts now and the pain is beginning to cloud my thoughts. I will hold you soon and tell you in person, I love you more than life itself.
    Maddy xo
    I slipped away after concentrating on the final words for that note, the medications kicked in and took hold of my body. Hours have passed and I now know that I survived and that I am alive. I am laying in a hospital room hooked up to a monitor. I stare up at the white square coverings above me and I slowly realize it is not clouds because these are all the same size. Now, I see they are ceiling tiles and begin to count the tiny patterns in them that are random. I add them up, and I now know that I can do numbers. I feel some relief at this thought. At least I know my brain is still functioning. I remember flashes of the truck, coming right at me. I dredge up the cries and they were both from Jillian and I that were so tragic. I cried out to her and her silence broke me more inside. I am questioning in my head, where Jillian is, and where are we. Mostly though what keeps swirling in my thought process is that I need Rand, please someone find him and bring him here. Is he already here?
    The nurses walked in, two of them and I could see them looking at me with great concern. I was going in and out of consciousness and couldn’t stay alert enough to ask them anything. They checked my monitor and pressed some buttons. I saw one of them add another bag of liquid to the IV that was hanging next to me and she checked my forearm where there was a needle inserted into my skin with tape holding it in. I tried to turn my head but there were pillows or something with foam holding my head in a set position. They both conversed to one another as they covered me a bit with the sheet and folded the blanket halfway up on me. One of them adjusted the blinds and it was dark outside and it seems like it was just a moment ago I was walking through the sunlight at the park. With my bed looking toward the window I could see the streetlight in the parking lot just beyond illuminated. My lids fatigued and closed.
    The sun was up and bright, I wasn’t sure if it was morning or midday, but I caught a glimpse of my mother walking out from my room. I saw the

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