Demon's Promise: a high fantasy femdom novella
of her high breasts, tipped in dusky
rose. The dangerous curve of her waist, her hips. The firm
roundness of her buttocks. Smooth long legs, almost unreal in their
perfection. And between her thighs, the soft hairless mound of her
    “Ash?” he whispered, throat dry, heart racing.
    A dream, surely. But even in his dreams she had been
little more but a vague, fleeting impression of scarlet heat and
luminous eyes.
    This was wrong. So wrong. Everything was upside down,
topsy-turvy. Like he was cheating, somehow. As if a thousand rules
had been broken and could never be set right again.
    And yet how could he deny the joy he felt? This
vision of her, the solidity of her presence – he did not care if it
were only a dream, an illusion.
    He could think of it only as a gift. One that he was
utterly unworthy of.
    She stepped forward with sinuous grace, closing the
distance between them, pressing her body against him, twining lean
arms about his neck, pressing him into a kiss. Her tongue slipped
between his lips, teasing him apart, and after a moment, he
responded, pushing her out, away. She pulled back with the hint of
a smile, then leaned in again, this time grazing her teeth
warningly across his lower lip.
    He disregarded her warning. Caught her tongue with
his own, tasting her, countering her invasion with his own.
    Before he knew it, his robes were hanging loose from
his frame and his fingers were tangled in her sleek dark hair, and
he was devouring her as greedily as she devoured him. He surfaced
for air, then sank back into the mire of heat and need, then
surfaced again, only to find that his pants had dropped and she had
pushed him back to the edge of his bed.
    He fell back, dragging her down with him. Lost his
breath again as she sprawled against him, breasts pressing into his
chest, her hungry wet mouth nibbling relentlessly at his jaw, her
hands reaching for his stiffening cock.
    But he grabbed her wrist. Tried to roll her over, to
pin her, but succeeded only in shifting her to her side while she
tangled her legs with his.
    He gave up, if only for the moment. Amused himself by
watching her as she attempted to free him from the remnants of his
clothing with a frustrated growl.
    “I can do that myself, you know.”
    She glared at him before renewing her efforts. Her
nails scraped over his skin as he shifted his weight, and he took
the opportunity to grab her breasts, to feel the supple weight of
them in his hands. Her nipples were startlingly soft, even when
they hardened to peaks under his touch, and likewise, his cock
prodded eagerly at her thighs.
    As one of his sleeves ripped or finally fell away –
he wasn’t particularly paying attention anymore – Ruen scooted down
and sucked a nipple into his mouth.
    Her resulting gasp gratified him. He licked her
gently, tracing his tongue around her tightened flesh, then tugged
at her with his teeth to see how she would respond.
    She dug her nails into his arms. A low, breathy moan
escaped her. Encouraged, he continued his ministrations, this time
moving to her other nipple.
    But this time she pulled away entirely. He’d done
something wrong, he thought, until he felt her hand close around
his cock.
    “Such a good, lovely boy you’ve been,” she
    “A-Ash?” he breathed.
    Slowly, lightly, her grip slid upward.
    “When was the last time you came, nasty child?”
    “Not since the picnic, Miss Ash.”
    “Oh?” Her grip slid back down. “Fascinating. But do
remember that lies shall be punished.”
    “I’m not lying. I – I haven’t even touched myself.
Just as you asked.”
    “Ah. I seem to recall…”
    “That was an accident! I mean. It was only that once.
And you stopped me in time. Besides, even if I’d continued,
    Her hand danced away, and his cock sprang eagerly in
her wake. He shifted in attempt to regain her heat, but she flipped
him onto his back again and caught his gaze with her own.
    “I removed the spell ages ago. Did you

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