Fading Into Darkness: The Under Series Book 2

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Book: Fading Into Darkness: The Under Series Book 2 by Dakota Lake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dakota Lake
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hand, looking at ways I could improve my
nightdress. The sleeves came off first, all the nightdresses I had were long sleeved and I hated them
I always got too hot in bed wearing them. After the sleeves I attacked the length. It started off below
the knee, then above the knee and before I knew what had happened I had shortened it to mid thigh
length. It was definitely an improvement. I spun around admiring my handy work. The clock in the
corridor chimed midnight. I needed to get some sleep I had to be up and ready in the morning for
my studies.
I climbed into bed and turned the bedside light off. The night sky outside was lighter tonight even
though the moon wasn't visible. The passing clouds formed shadows on my floor through the glass
doors. I heard a distant howl and some other strange animal noises coming from outside. This place
gave me the creeps sometimes. I shut my eyes and pulled the covers over my head.
    I felt something gently nudging my leg. I peeked out the top of my covers rubbing my eyes. My
room was still dark but the flame from a candle flickered next to me. I felt the weight of someone
sitting next to my legs. I pushed the covers back further to find Senka sitting on my bed. He smiled
at me and re-adjusted his beanie. I rubbed my eyes again and sat up yawning at the same time. I was
pleased to see him but I was surprised as Senka had never been in my room before. I didn't even
know he knew where my room was. I looked at the clock on the nightstand 1.10am.
“I thought you had to stay on at work?” I asked, casually smoothing my hair down with my hands.
I had only been asleep for an hour but knowing my hair it was probably already sticking out
everywhere like a haystack.
He grinned and looked at me. “A little birdie told me you were waiting for me on the steps.”
I matched his smile. “Oh really! I don't suppose that little birdie is called Alex by any chance?”
“Maybe and he's covering for me. I have to leave again at seven.”
I looked at the clock, if he had to leave at seven that gave us just under six hours together.
“You look tired. I shouldn't have woken you.”
“Then why did you?” I asked curiously.
I knew why but I wanted him to tell me. I think he liked being around me a lot more than he let on.
He looked at me for a moment before his eyes drifted to the candle on the nightstand.
“Who put that there?” he asked.
“I don't know I never see who puts it there. I just wake up and there's a burnt down candle every
“Every morning?”
“Yep, except for the nights I don't sleep in here.”
He reached over me and using his thumb and finger he put out the flame. The room went dark and
he leaned back slowly, our faces only inches apart. All I could smell was a mixture of coconut,
cigarette smoke and a different smoky smell like he'd been at a bonfire or barbecue. I'd never smelt
that on Senka before. It was different and made me think of Mack and the way his T-shirt had
smelled the same.
“Do you want me to leave you alone to sleep?” he asked while running the back of his fingers down
my bare arm, which left a trail of goosebumps.
I shook my head. There was no way I would be able to go back to sleep now and especially if Alex
had purposely covered for him so he could come back and see me. Alex was never over the top
friendly with me so I knew he was doing this for Senka. Not me.
He stood up and switched the bedside light on.
“What happened to your nightdress?” he asked.
“I got a little scissor happy and made a few changes.”
Senka's eyes roamed around my bedroom taking it all in.
“You weren't kidding about the lack of entertainment no stereo no TV. No wonder you're always
He stuck his head round the bathroom door and flicked the light on.
“Nice bathroom. Shower looks like it was designed for two.” he said flashing me a wicked grin.
I felt my cheeks flush red, I was blushing and he knew it as his grin widened. He walked over to the

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