Reckless: A Bad Boy Sport Romance

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Book: Reckless: A Bad Boy Sport Romance by Christina Clark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christina Clark
drove us to a secluded alley 2 blocks down, riding in poignant silence.
    “So.” I set my car on park and unstrapped my seatbelt. “What did you want to talk about?”
    “What happened to you, Brooklyn?”
    “Excuse me?” I touched my collarbone, bridling at his words. “What –”
    “I've never seen you take shit from anyone,” Ace replied matter-of-factly. “Now, you're all jumpy and self-conscious. You're constantly scoping out your surroundings to make sure no one's tailing you –”
    “Look, I don't know what you're –”
    “That's no way to live,” Ace continued, leaning over to rest his elbows on his lap. His frustration was manifested in his amplifying, forceful tone. “You know you deserve better than that. Why would you –”
    “You can't just...”
    “Oh, no. No, no, no.” I wagged my finger furiously, a blush of anger sweeping across my cheeks. I was on the verge of steaming out of my ears. “You don't get to suddenly show up and start telling me what I'm supposed to be doing with my life. Or did you forget that you were the one that moved halfway across the country and disappear– not one phone call, email, nothing –”
    “Brooklyn, I get it. You're right,” said Ace gently, bowing his head. “I'm sorry. That was out of line.”
    “R-right.” I leaned back in my chair, crossing my legs. “You bet your ass that was out of line.”
    “If it's any consolation, I'm sorry I never called. I thought it was best –”
    “Never mind. It's over and done with. I've moved on, as I'm sure you have.”
    “Okay.” He didn't push it any further. We stewed in another bout of awkward silence until he broke it. “I just wanna know. Are you happy?”
    “I'm – I'm satisfied, yes.”
    “That's not what I asked.”
    “Well, o-kay, nosy.” The corners of my mouth twitched. “Xavier's a little...rough around the edges, but he's got daddy issues. And, I mean, he can be really sweet when he wants to be.”
    “Forgive me if I'm out of line again, but it sounds more to me like you're trying to convince yourself. Isn't that a red flag? When you have to actively think of why you're with who you're with?”
    “And what do you know?” I snapped, pulling at the skin on my elbows. “You're one to talk – doesn't seem like you're in any position to be handing out love advice yourself. Pretty sure those 2 lovely ladies from the party would back me up on this one.”
    “Fair enough,” Ace conceded, his nostrils flaring as if he was trying to hold in a chuckle.
    “But if you must know, Xavier is the embodiment of everything my parents have ever wanted. Young, handsome, obscenely rich, with a quasi-celebrity status. Oh, and did I mention, obscenely rich.”
    “Sounds like your parents should be dating him instead.”
    “I know, right?” I laughed. It was more of a snort, really, but it was oddly exhilarating.
    “I've missed that.” Ace spoke slowly, almost as if he was waiting to see how far I'd let him keep going. “I've missed you, Brooklyn. I may not have called, and I realize how that could have been a dick move. This may sound like a crock of shit, but I really did love you. Care about you. Always have.”
    A tingle shot up from my stomach to the tips of my fingers. There now sat a small crinkle or 2 next to his eyes, which had been visibly hardened with age and rough experiences. But as he gazed back at me, I could see the same soulful sincerity I'd fallen in love with when I was 16.
    “And we may not have seen each other in 11 years, but I can assure you not a day goes by that I don't see your face anyway.”
    “Ace, I – I don't know what –”
    “That's fine.” Ace shifted in his seat, adjusting and readjusting himself uneasily. “But Brooklyn, there's something you need to know –”
    I wasn't sure what I was thinking – in all honesty, I don't think I was. Right that moment, all my responsibilities, commitments, and every secret affliction I harbored evaporated. I just wanted

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