Lady Westbrook's Discovery

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Book: Lady Westbrook's Discovery by Etta Stark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Etta Stark
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swallowed beautifully, taking every last drop as he juddered to a finish.
    “Oh my god,” he said hoarsely as he withdrew. “That was…” his voice trailed off as he failed to find the words.
    “Was that acceptable?” Margaret asked.
    “It was far more than acceptable. It was completely wonderful. Have you done that before?”
    “Of course not” said Margaret briskly as she stood from her kneeling position, delicately wiping the traces of semen from around her mouth.
    “Then how did you know…?”
    Margaret shrugged. She looked a little embarrassed.
    “I have been giving some thought to the matter, recently. You often pleasure me that way so naturally I considered whether it would be possible for me to return the courtesy.”
    “You’ve been thinking about doing that to me?” Felix said hoarsely. “When?”
    “Well , whenever I had a spare moment, naturally. During the Duchess of Waverley interminable talks about fern arrangements, for example, or during the duller board meetings of the Ladies Society.”
    Felix steered Margaret towards the bed and begun undressing her, undoing the lacing of her corsets as he spoke. “You were sitting amongst the prim and proper ladies of the Waverley Ladies Society thinking about doing that ?”
    “Of course. I have been considering how best to do it to provide you the most amount of pleasure from the experience. And me , too, of course. It was a subject that lent itself to a considerable amount of contemplation. I am glad you enjoyed it.”
    He was astounded. She was utterly audacious. He pushed her dress down from her shoulders, exposing her breasts and took one of her erect nipples in his mouth. To think of his respectable wife sitting in social situations with those lascivious thoughts playing through her mind. It was almost more than he could stand. Frankly, no-one could blame him if he decided never to leave this bedroom again and opted to spend the rest of his days in sexual abandon with his magnificent wife.
    “I believe that it is my time to return the courtesy,” he said.
    Let me bring half as much pleasure as you bring to me he thought as his tongue sought the sensitive areas between her legs that would bring her the most satisfaction.
    The irony wasn’t lost on him. He had intended to give her a lesson in obedience and had ended up wanting to do everything in his power to serve her.
    “It’s going to be interminable,” said Margaret.
    “That’s the spirit!” s aid Felix, watching her as she sat at her dressing table wearing only her corset and petticoats and applying powder to her face. It was a wonderful view.
    “Shush, Felix. I’m telling you, the Duchess of Waverley has been absolutely impossible lately. I’ve avoided speaking to her as much as possible during the last few meetings of the Waverley Ladies Society , but she’s clearly relishing my drop in status and determined to rub my nose in it. This dinner party is the first formal occasion since we married. She’ll make it as uncomfortable as possible for me, I’m sure.”
    “Why are we going then?”
    “Because it’s a formal dinner hosted by the Duke and Duchess of Waverley,” said Margaret.
    “We were invited.”
    “That’s it? That’s enough reason to go?”
    “Yes, it is. We have to go. No matter how awful it’s going to be. No matter that the Duchess of Waverley always seats her guests according to rank and is therefore bound to put us as far away as possible, below the salt.”
    “Is this just because you’re not married to a Lord anymore? Would you rather you were? I can arrange that for you, if you like. I only need to bump off a couple of dozen of dearly loved brothers and nephews, and the title of Lady Rochester will be all yours.”
    Margaret laughed. “It’s a charming offer, Felix, but I must decline. Please don’t trouble yourself to go on a murderous rampage on my account.”
    “As you wish. Just say the word if you change your mind.”

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