Night After Night

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Book: Night After Night by Janelle Denison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janelle Denison
Tags: David_James
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blush deepening as her hands fluttered in the air between them. “Foreplay, an orgasm, but without actually having sex.”
    “Foreplay is the best part of sex.” He winked at her, though he was completely serious. “So is the buildup of sexual tension over the course of a few dates.”
    She smiled. “Are you asking me out on another date?”
    “I believe I am.” She was still lying beside him on the couch, and he loved that she was so comfortable with him. “When can I see you again?” Being with her should have been all about the case and finding her father, but Sean knew deep in his gut his desire to be with her was too personal. Not a good thing, but his attraction to her was getting more difficult for him to fight.
    “Soon, hopefully.”
    She laughed at his persistence. “I can’t. I’ll be tied up all day in marketing conference calls for my fall campaign and placing coordinating orders for the boutique with my manufacturer, and tomorrow night I already have a date.”
    The pit of his stomach twisted with an emotion that was foreign to him—jealousy. “You do?”
    She nodded, an impish look in her eyes. “With Jessica.”
    Not a guy but her best friend. Thank God. The ten-pound weight sitting on his chest eased substantially. “Maybe I could crash your party,” he teased.
    “No boys allowed,” she said, shaking her head. “We’re ordering dinner in and watching a chick flick. It’s something we do whenever she’s in town.”
    “It was worth a shot.” He grinned and ran the tip of his finger along the smooth slope of Zoe’s nose. “How long are you going to make me wait to see you again?”
    She thought for a moment. “Tell you what. How about I promise to be in touch over the next few days? Maybe we can get together this weekend…if you’re lucky.”
    He chuckled, knowing she was deliberately playing him. “Yeah, you are a tease.”
    She certainly wasn’t a simple mark or someone he could easily manipulate, and pushing the issue any more would only make him look too desperate and annoying. Her calls were already being monitored, but he’d have Caleb put surveillance on her until they were together again. Which Sean hoped wouldn’t be long from now.
    Moving off the couch, he stood up, then offered her his hand. “It’s getting late and I should go.”
    After accepting his help up, she straightened her camisole, which did nothing to conceal the outlines of her nipples against the fabric. He grabbed his coat and tie, and she followed him to the door. For purely selfish reasons he didn’t dare analyze, he stole another quick, heated kiss, something sweet to tide him over until he saw her again. Something that would leave her aching for more.
    Too soon for his liking, he drew back and smiled. “Just for the record, you’re far more delicious than your chocolate cake.”
    She licked her bottom lip, as if tasting for herself. “That’s good to know.”
    Satisfied that he’d weakened her defenses and ignited the slow burn of anticipation, he opened the door and looked back at her one last time. “Don’t make me wait long.”
    “So, did you get lucky last night?”
    Jessica sauntered into Zoe’s living room the following evening, carrying a bag of Chinese takeout and a six-pack of cheap strawberry daiquiri wine coolers, their favorite girls’-night-in fare. She set their meal on the place mats Zoe had laid out on the coffee table, then turned back around, hands on her slim, jeans-clad hips and her expression direct and expectant.
    “Well?” Jessica persisted, wanting details, as always.
    Zoe settled on the couch, unable to stop the silly, giddy grin lifting her lips. “I got lucky enough.”
    Jessica plopped down beside her and let out an exasperated breath. “First base? Second base? Come on, Zoe, spill already. Let me live vicariously.”
    Zoe laughed, then told her best friend what she wanted to know, because they pretty much shared everything. “We

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