Cavanaugh's Surrender

Read Online Cavanaugh's Surrender by Marie Ferrarella - Free Book Online

Book: Cavanaugh's Surrender by Marie Ferrarella Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Ferrarella
Tags: Suspense
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in overall, he was getting paid a pittance. But he wasn’t in it for the money, or even because it was the family business. He believed in his work. Believed in making a difference. But that wasn’t anything he wanted to advertise. It clashed with his devil-may-care image.
    Nodding toward what his father was testing, he asked, “You find anything new?”
    “Nothing we haven’t already surmised. Paula Richardson had enough sleeping pills in her system to put a school of sharks to sleep. The slashed wrists were just overkill. Too bad. She looked like a lovely girl.”
    “A lovely girl somebody really wanted dead,” Logan commented. “How’s your chief assistant holding up?”
    Sean smiled, noting how hard Logan was trying to appear as if he was completely detached in his view of the case and Destiny’s connection to it. If Logan had really been detached, Sean mused, he wouldn’t have felt the need to have that point driven home.
    “On the surface, she’s behaving very professionally. But I won’t pretend that I’m not concerned about her, Logan. She’s keeping everything bottled up inside, and that kind of thing can only be sustained for so long before the inner pressure gets to be too much. Keep an eye out on her for me, will you?”
    Logan was surprised by the request. “Dad, I’m going to be working the case, remember?”
    “Yeah, well, so will she, no matter what anyone says to the contrary.” He smiled to himself. “She’s stubborn enough to be one of us,” he told his son. “By the way, she went by the pharmacy where the prescription was issued.”
    Logan was about to protest that he had kept the prescription container in his possession, dropping it off at the lab last night, but that obviously hadn’t made a difference.
    “And it turns out that they never issued the prescription to our victim. They have a file on her and the number came out of their pharmacy, but years ago and not for sleeping pills but for some cough medicine for a little girl. Backs up Destiny’s theory that her sister was murdered. By the way,” he added mildly, “her desk is at the other end of the floor—in case you want to swing by sometime and, you know, exchange theories,” he concluded euphemistically.
    Logan merely shook his head. “You know, Dad, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you had something up your sleeve.”
    Sean innocently raised one hand into the air, demonstrating. “Just my arm, boy. Just my arm.”
    It was a well-known fact, especially around his family, that people in love tended to want to pair up everyone else in the firm belief that everyone should be as happy as they were.
    Standing in the doorway, Logan took a good look at his father, seeing him in a completely different light since when he had first entered.
    Sean was already refocused on his task. His “Yes?” was more than a little distracted.
    The thought of his father in a romantic relationship had never really crossed his mind before. He wasn’t certain how to react, really. But he and his siblings had always been cautioned about leaping to conclusions, so he decided to ask first before trying to get used to the idea.
    “You’re not in love or anything, are you?”
    “Define ‘or anything,’” Sean countered, amused by the question. When his son seemed at a loss for words, Sean told him. “You’ll be the second to know when and if I am,” he promised.
    “Who’ll be the first?” Logan asked suspiciously. He fully expected his father to say “Sabrina.”
    But again, his father surprised him. “Me,” Sean replied simply.
    Logan left the lab, feeling more than a little bewildered even if he didn’t show it. His world had been turned upside down. First they had discovered that his father had been accidentally switched at birth with another male infant and that he, and thus they, were actually part of the Cavanaugh family. If that wasn’t enough, now it looked as if after years of being content

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