Lady Westbrook's Discovery

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Book: Lady Westbrook's Discovery by Etta Stark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Etta Stark
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are going to behave yourself this evening, aren’t you?”
    “Of course. Why would I not?”
    “It’s just that I recall you speaking quite out of turn at a previous dinner.”
    “Our first together? Good point. Looking back, I’m not sure if threatening to spank you at our first meeting helped my chances or hindered them.”
    “It was an outrageous thing to say.”
    “True. But it’s not something I’m given to do on a regular basis. I’m quite safe around the Duchess of Waverley, I assure you. I am only given to outrageous behaviour around you. I blame your allure.”
    “You thought me alluring even then?”
    “Incredibly,” he smiled. “When you threatened to spank me instead, I believe I fell in love with you on the spot.”
    “You dared me to try it, remember? I wonder what would have happened if I had.”
    “You would have found yourself at the receiving end of a swift, sound spanking.”
    “It seems almost a pity to have missed the opportunity.”
    Felix didn’t miss a beat. The words were barely out of her mouth before he upended her over his lap.
    He’d scooped her out of her chair with both arms and sat himself there in her place pulling her swiftly over his knees. With his left hand, he pulled her petticoat out of the way while, with his right, he set about spanking her bottom with gusto. He could see her backside quickly reddening through the thin fabric of her bloomers.  When he felt the number of swats she’d received was sufficient, he lifted her up so that she was sitting on his lap, facing him.
    “ There you go. I would have hated for you to feel that you’d missed out on anything,” he said.
    Margaret shifted uncomfortably on her sore bottom.   “You are most considerate,” she said drily.
    “Always thinking of you, my dear.”
    “I am not sure that that behaviour would have speeded up our courtship, you know. Of course, had you followed it up with a demonstration of your remarkable finesse in the bedroom, it may have been a different story. I think if I had had any idea of the magic you could weave in that department, I should never have let you out of my sight again.”
    Felix’s manhood, already stiff from administering Margaret’s spanking, stiffened still further.
    “Really?” he said, his voice hitching slightly. “Should I have bent you over the dining room table and ravished you there and then? It’s certainly a marvellous thought.”
    “Oh hell,” said Margaret suddenly, looking at the clock. “We’re going to be late if we don’t get a move on.”
    “Oh ho. No you don’t, madam. You can’t fill my head with that sort of saucy talk and then expect me to behave myself at the Waverley’s. Either you let me take you now or I really will do it over our host’s dinner table in front of the assembled throng.”
    Margaret smiled. “Oh, if we must, we must, I suppose.”
    He lifted her from his lap slightly in order to extricate his engorged manhood from the confines of his trousers. Margaret hitched her petticoats to her waist and positioning herself above his member, sunk down onto him. She gasped prettily as, sitting astride him, she felt him penetrate her deeply. She wrapped her arms around his back and rode him enthusiastically, pressing her legs against his to give her purchase. He grabbed her bottom, guiding her movements as their bodies moved with perfect synchronicity, pushing them quickly towards a climax. Felix felt Margaret stiffen, and her fingernails dug into his back as she cried out in release. Her head dropped to his shoulder, and with a few swift strokes, Felix reached his own climax, releasing his seed into her with a groan.
    “That was wonderful,” he said.
    “Mm it was,” she agreed, pulling away and climbing down from his lap. “Now I have to get ready. Not another word about ravishing me over anyone’s dining room table. Don’t even think of such things while we are at the Duke and Duchess of Waverley’s.”
    “I’m not even

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