How to Marry an Alien

Read Online How to Marry an Alien by Magan Vernon - Free Book Online

Book: How to Marry an Alien by Magan Vernon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Magan Vernon
Tags: Aliens, my alien romance series arizona young adult new adult college
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am I supposed
to pretend like I've never seen her before? I did live with her for
a summer that she tried to make a living hell."
    Ace shrugged. "I don't know how either. Maybe
you can just pretend she isn't the same person?"
    "Ace, that sounds crazy. I just can't pretend
I never met her. Can someone from Circe just wipe away my memory of
    Ace swung our intertwined hands back and
forth. The sun had barely started to set, an orange glow dangling
over the mountaintops in the distance. I used to think all of
Arizona was just a barren dessert, and then I realized that
Flagstaff actually had pine trees and grass. I wasn't really in the
middle of the desert. The temperature even dropped a few degrees at
night so I wasn't terribly uncomfortable in jeans and Ace didn't
look out of place in long sleeves.
    Even so, I actually missed the cornfields of
Illinois, but I couldn't deny how good it felt to walk freely
through campus with Ace by my side. We would have never been able
to do that at Columbia. He would have still needed to be hidden and
now we were out for the world to see...just like I guess Riley
    "It doesn't work like that, Alex."
    I turned my attention back to Ace, who was
shaking his head. "If we erased your memory of Riley, it would
erase your entire internship, your memories of me."
    I stopped and turned toward Ace. A gleam of
sweat splayed across his forehead, shining against his pale face. I
could never give up my memories of him. The good or the bad, we
were in it for the long run.
    "I would never erase my time with you," I
murmured. I grabbed his other hand, the warmth slowly spreading
through his fingers and up through my hands.
    "Neither would I." Ace took a step closer,
minimizing the space between us. "Not for all the diamonds in Calta
would I erase my memory of you. You are still the only one in all
of the galaxies that makes my heart beat faster."
    I smiled, leaning in for a kiss. But before
my lips could even touch his, my phone rang between us. Ace jumped
back at the sound, releasing our hands and staring down at my
    "Sorry!" I pulled the singing phone out my
pocket. The words to She Blinded Me With Science sang
through the speakers, and Jen's big lips grinned at me from the
    I slid the phone up to my ear. "Couldn't call
at a worse time, could you?"
    Ace smiled, probably remembering our first
almost kiss. The one that Jen interrupted by walking in on us. I
think she enjoyed constantly interrupting us.
    "What's up, girly? Just checking to see how
school is going. Hopefully you weren't doing anything too
important." Her all too perky voice chirped over the phone.
    "If you call finding out that my roommate is
dating Riley and then freaking out to Ace something important, then
yes it is."
    "Hold up." Jen's high voice lowered a bit.
"Your roommate is dating Riley? Circe Riley?"
    "Uh, yeah. I don't really know any other
Rileys. How come no one told me that she was going to grad school
here? Or the fact that she was a lesbian who was dating my
    "The grad school thing I didn't know about.
As for the lesbian thing, I thought that was obvious. Obviously,
not obvious that she would date your roommate, but I really thought
you knew she liked girls," Jen said without missing a beat.
    "Well, what am I supposed to do?"
    I looked up at Ace. He just stood there,
watching me intently. He never forced me to get off the phone, yet
I always felt bad when I ignored him for a phone conversation. Ever
since earlier in the year when Simone controlled me and tried to
keep me from Ace, I always felt the need to spend more time with
him instead of the phone when he was around.
    Jen let out a big sigh on the other end of
the phone. "You know, just because I am a scientist doesn't mean
I'm going to have all the answers."
    "Well, is there anything that you can do?" I
    "If you want to talk about it, why don't you
and Ace come back to Circe?"
    "Uh." I quickly glanced up at Ace and then
looked back

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