How to Marry an Alien

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Book: How to Marry an Alien by Magan Vernon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Magan Vernon
Tags: Aliens, my alien romance series arizona young adult new adult college
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down. "Yeah, I guess we can. Want to come pick us

Chapter 12
    After cramming Ace into the back of Jen's
little red convertible we were back to the familiar realms of
Circe, where we could freely talk about all the alien
    Since Jen was officially a Circe employee,
she no longer had to live in the intern's quarters or even in a
dorm-style room like Ace. She led us down the scientist corridor
and into her plush suite.
    "A prince gets to stay in a closet and you
get this place?" I looked over Jen's apartment while she hung her
keys up on a hook by the door. The room was as stark white as the
rest of Circe, with a large living room opening up to a stainless
steel kitchen. A door lay just beyond the living room, partially
opened to reveal the tile of a bathroom floor, and another door
swung to the left of it, which must have been the bedroom.
    "It's alright, I guess." Jen shrugged. "Once
you and Ace move in together you will probably have a place at
least twice this size."
    Moving in together at Circe? I hadn't thought
about that one. For some reason I always thought that we would be
able to have our own house, away from base, and not in the same
building as my dad.
    "There are a lot of pictures of you and the
brown one around," Ace commented, holding up a framed picture of
Jen and Malcolm on one of the many end tables.
    "Well, yeah, they are best friends." I looked
over at the picture. They were sitting on a beach somewhere with
their arms wrapped around each other. I guess it could be a
friendly pose.
    "Best friends, boyfriend and girlfriend,
partners, whatever you want to call it." Jen smiled, plopping down
on a white chaise.
    "Boyfriend?" I asked. Crickey, were all my
friends dating each other now?
    "Yeah, I figured you would have guessed that
one." She shrugged. "It didn't really work out with me and Oliver.
My dreams were to move to Circe and work here, and his was an
attempt at the draft."
    Ugh, my head was spinning. I plopped down on
the plush, white sofa opposite Jen, and Ace took the seat next to
    "So now you're with Malcolm? When did you
plan on telling me this?" I asked.
    "I thought it would have been obvious that we
had some major chemistry outside of the lab, but I figured I would
tell you sooner or later." Jen shrugged and pulled her long legs
up, hugging her knees to her chest.
    "Okay, now that we have figured out Jen's
love life, can we figure out this homosexual debacle?" Ace piped
    Jen and I both turned toward Ace. His limited
knowledge of human relationships was getting on my nerves. I
couldn't understand how he just didn't understand homosexuality.
Jen told him at one point to just look it up on the internet and
all he could find was really disturbing pictures.
    "I really don't think it's that big of a
deal," Jen said. "Yeah, she was a witch with a capital B here at
Circe, but now she is a completely different person. They wiped her
memory of all things alien. She knows nothing about what happened
last summer."
    "Yeah, but they didn't erase my memory or
Ace's!" I turned back to Jen, pointing my thumb in Ace's
    Jen put her feet back down on the ground.
"People can change, Alex, especially people who have had their
memory erased. Maybe you should try to get to know her as your
roommate's girlfriend and not Riley, the former evil intern."
    "Jen is right," Ace spoke up. "I may still
resent Riley for all of the things she did to you, and to us, while
she was here, but in the end everything turned out for the best.
And she doesn't remember any of what happened, so we should try and
put that behind us as well."
    I turned toward Ace, slowly blinking. "You're
serious? You want me to just forget that the girl put a gun to my
head or turned us in to the Circe guys so you ended up locked in a
cell?" I threw my hands up in the air. "Maybe while we are at it I
should go and forgive Magpie for trying to kill me for doing the
thumbs up sign. Oh! Or how about I write a friendly letter

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