How to Marry an Alien

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Book: How to Marry an Alien by Magan Vernon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Magan Vernon
Tags: Aliens, my alien romance series arizona young adult new adult college
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    "Alex," Ace said, pulling my hands down. "You
are being unreasonable."
    "Yeah," Jen added. "We aren't saying that you
have to completely forget about all of those things, but do
remember that Riley doesn't have any recollection that she ever met
either of you, or interned at Circe."
    I hated to admit it, but they were both
right. I hated when they were right. Even worse I hated that I
would still have to face Riley no matter how much I complained or
tried to fight it.
    After we left Jen's room, I figured I should
visit my dad. Not only had I not seen him since I'd been in town,
but I figured he should be made aware of the Riley situation as
    There was quite a bit of distance between
Jen's suite and the officer's quarters, where my dad lived. All the
hallways looked the same with the plain white walls, white tile
floor, and blinding fluorescent lights. It really couldn't have
killed Circe to spring for a coat of new paint or even to put some
pictures on the wall.
    "The future royal prince and princess of
Calta, right here in my hallway!"
    Ugh, I was hoping we wouldn't run into Monte.
Circe was a huge place, and we really shouldn't have, but I guess
we just had to go through his wing to get to the officer's
    "Hey, Monte." Ace smiled and stopped near the
door that Monte was propped up against.
    Once upon a time, Ace and I would have never
been able to roam the halls freely and holding hands. Some of the
older aliens that we passed still gave us dirty looks, but once it
was out in the open that we were engaged, people were a little bit
more accepting.
    "I expected you and the princess to still be
in one of your bedrooms, commencing in activities that require a
bed." Monte smiled an all-too-smug smile.
    If Monte wasn't such an arrogant a-hole he
would actually be attractive. The curse of the Caltian men; they
were all super attractive with their high cheekbones and builds of
Greek gods. Too bad a lot of them were just as much of jerks as
Monte. I still shuddered when I thought about the queen's
right-hand man, Marsilo, who still treated me like I was just Ace's
    "We just came to talk to my dad and Jen. No
bedroom commencing needed." I smirked, gripping Ace's hand tighter.
They may be best friends, but that didn't mean I had to like the
    "Hey, maybe he can help with our problem."
Ace motioned his free hand in Monte's direction.
    "Really, how?" I looked from Monte and back
to Ace. I knew Monte was pretty good with Circe intelligence, so he
would possibly have a way to figure out how I could erase my Riley
memory, or even just give her some weird alien disease so she would
go away.
    "We can set your roommate up with Monte and
then she will forget all about her homosexual tendencies and no
more Riley!" Ace smiled, obviously proud of himself and his stupid
    "Seriously? That is your big plan? Set up my
lesbian roommate with an alien dude?" I rolled my eyes. Why did I
even think that Ace would have a better idea?
    Monte stepped away from the doorway. "I read
about this lesbian thing you speak of." He put his fingers up for
air quotes when he said lesbian.
    "It isn't a thing," I said.
    "Whatever," Monte replied quickly. "I still
don't understand the mechanics of how two human girls would be
together, but maybe this roommate of yours could teach me a thing
or two."
    Gag. I didn't know what he meant by that, but
it sounded sexual.
    Ace tapped my hip with our intertwined hands.
"What do you say, Alex? That sounds like it could solve our
problems. Just get rid of Riley as Lucy's lover, and we won't have
to worry about seeing her."
    I sighed, defeated. If these two were stupid
enough to think that Lucy was just going to magically stop liking
girls because of a beautiful alien, then I would let them try.
After all, stranger things have happened.

Chapter 13
    After we were finally able to escape Monte,
we went to my dad's suite. Luckily, Ace knew where we were going
because I didn't

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