Sweeter Than Honey

Read Online Sweeter Than Honey by Delilah Devlin - Free Book Online

Book: Sweeter Than Honey by Delilah Devlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Delilah Devlin
Tags: erotic;red hot;18th century;sheriff
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bodies and slid two fingers between her buttocks, glided lower and thrust straight into her wet pussy. “I’m going to eat your sweet pussy.”
    She gasped and shivered, but he knew she liked the naughty words.
    “I’m going to take you with my tongue, nibble at your sexy parts until you’re begging me for release.”
    “I won’t beg you for a damn thing, bastard.” Her voice was harsh, but her body quivered with excitement like a nervous filly.
    He leaned close and sucked her earlobe between his lips, then gave it a gentle tug. “Guess what else I’m gonna bite?”

Chapter Five
    Her deep groan elicited a satisfied smile, which he was glad she couldn’t see. He wanted her worried, maybe even a little scared.
    He wanted her anticipating his next moves so he could surprise her, even shock her, as he eased her toward an arousal she couldn’t control, couldn’t tamp down no matter how much she might want to thwart him. Honey’s fiery way of doing battle only inflamed his passion and spurred him to conquer her.
    Eager to begin the steady climb again, he straddled her, rising on his knees to roll her body over between his legs. He wanted her breasts and pussy beneath his hands, wanted to watch her eyes spark with fury when he dominated her. When she flailed her arms, aiming half-hearted punches at his shoulders, he grabbed her hands and pulled them high above her head, securing them firmly within one hand. She squirmed and wriggled and finally bucked her hips, trying to unseat him, which only excited them both. He could see it in her tight, spiked nipples and heightened color. Not all that heat was fury. Her desire perfumed the air around them.
    Content to let her wear herself out, he kept his expression shuttered, unwilling to let her see even a glimpse of his amusement.
    As her struggles waned, the taut set of her chin softened, becoming less belligerent. Her mouth trembled as she drew soft, ragged gasps. Her eyes blinked at tears of frustration.
    Not a speck of guilt dented his determination to wrest control of her silken reins. She’d set this wagon rolling when she’d cooperated with the plot to bring him here. If the consequences weren’t exactly what she’d expected, well, tough.
    While she settled, quivering beneath him, he felt his own body responding to her distress. He wasn’t exactly proud of the fact his loins filled rapidly, seeming to feed off her surrender, one shiver, one soft whimper at a time.
    He wasn’t feeling very civilized. He couldn’t be as tender as he wished. He’d take her hard, make her howl and cry and thrash until she didn’t have anything left for him to plunder. When she finally lay quivering and acquiescent beneath him, he’d take her again, just to make sure she knew she was his to do with as he pleased. Just as she’d intended to use him.
    Though not out of revenge. No. This taking would be a mercy to them both.
    She must have read some of the savagery roiling through his veins because her eyes closed tight. “Please,” she whispered.
    He dropped his chest fully onto hers, snuggled his lengthening cock against her soft belly—surrounding her, reminding her who was bigger, stronger—before he placed his mouth just above hers. “Please, what? Do you want me to stop?” If she asked, he would, but he didn’t think that was what she wanted. Not by the way her body gently undulated beneath his.
    “Take me.”
    Because it was the only response he could trust himself to give without sounding like a ravening beast, he softly kissed her lips, drinking in her sigh as she rubbed her mouth on his, straining upward to deepen the kiss.
    Releasing her hands, he lifted his torso off her body. Her eyes blinked open and their gazes locked. “We’ll do this my way,” he said, his voice rough and harsh. “You won’t deny me anything I want.”
    Her breath was jagged, and her breasts jerked against his chest. She wet her lips with the tip of her pink tongue. “I won’t deny you

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