
Read Online Dominated by Becca Jameson - Free Book Online

Book: Dominated by Becca Jameson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becca Jameson
Tags: paranormal romance
in between her legs. Her knees fought to close.
    He stroked his palms up both legs until he reached midthigh. Slight pressure.
    Kathleen couldn’t believe this was happening. She was stripped naked for this mate of hers, her entire body visible to his gaze.
    She’d never felt like this in her life. Hadn’t considered it even possible. But here she was, naked and open to the man she was about to let claim her.
    Gabe’s fingers crawled higher on her thighs and he pushed them wider. Her knees were bent and she was spread wide, every secret revealed to her partner.
    He was breathing heavily. Thank God she affected him as much as he did her. The enormous bulge in the front of his jeans spoke for itself. She longed to see what lie beneath, but didn’t dare request a viewing.
    “So wet for me, baby,” he muttered. He released her thigh with one hand and stroked a finger through her slit.
    She bucked at the contact, nearly coming apart. One stroke and she was so close to an orgasm.
    “So hot. I love how your pussy responds. It pulses as you grip around the emptiness, begging for my cock.” He didn’t take his gaze off her sex, and she didn’t take hers off his face. The quiver in her stomach became more of an ache.
    She licked her lips, wishing he would do anything except just stare at her. The single stroke through her folds hadn’t been nearly enough.
    “God, you smell good, Kathleen.” He inhaled long and slow, his face inches from her pussy. He released her completely. With one hand he pressed above her sex, pushing her skin until she realized what he’d accomplished. The hood of her clit had been pulled off the tiny nub. Her knees shook.
    With his other hand, he circled the little bundle of nerves until she moaned and tried in vain to close her knees against the assault.
    Still pressing into her groin, he looked into her eyes.
    Oh my God . The need to buck into him was squelched by his firm grip.
    Without looking away from her, he lifted his wet finger from her clit and flicked it over her nipple. She bucked her chest and gripped the sheet tighter.
    “So responsive. I love that about you. You’re so wet and ready for me.” He pinched the other nipple, shocking her.
    She moaned, her head rolling to one side so she could escape his pointed gaze. How did he manage to inflict so much precise torture to her body without seeming to even glance down at his hands?
    “Look at me, baby. Watch me as I make you come.” His voice was controlled.
    She sucked in a breath. Damn him. Just staring at her without touching her made her crave him.
    “Thatta girl. Eyes on me. Watch me while I make you feel so good.”
    With both hands, he circled her nipples and toyed with her breasts, not quite hitting the tips again. She pebbled even more, her chest aching, seeming to tighten with each stroke of his fingers. When he finally grasped her nipples simultaneously with his pointers and thumbs, pinching them, she screamed.
    “Please,” she begged.
    “Just feel,” he responded. “I’m just getting started.” He trailed his fingers down her body back to her sex. “Your pussy is pink and perfect.” He held her lower lips open, making her head spin. No one had ever gazed at her like that. Hell, no one had ever even seen her pussy since she’d been a toddler.
    Now Gabriel was examining her closely in the full light of day on his bed in his childhood room. And she wanted more.
    Always one step behind what she craved, he pushed one finger into her channel. She bucked her hips up, pleading for more contact. Her pussy squeezed his finger without her control.
    He moaned. “So tight, Kathleen. So fucking tight.” He wiggled onto his stomach between her legs, bringing his face closer to her pussy.
    As he pulled his finger out of her core, he held her open and without warning, jammed his tongue into her center.
    “Oh God,” she moaned. She knew cognitively that men sometimes did this to women, but putting it into action was

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