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Book: Dominated by Becca Jameson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becca Jameson
Tags: paranormal romance
stroked her cheeks again, her eyelids, her chin, her lips. “You okay?”
    He soothed her with gentle nibbles across her face as he waited.
    She began to breathe again as her body adjusted to his girth. The pain subsided and left her with an unexplainable need as her body accommodated him. “Move,” she mumbled.
    He lifted his face and gazed into her eyes. “Okay?”
    “Move,” she repeated, lifting her hips into him the fraction she could control.
    He pulled out halfway and then pressed back into her.
    She moaned. So good. Oh God.
    When he did it again, she rocked up with him, begging with her body for him to reenter.
    He set a rhythm, his lips closing and his face growing tighter as he seemed to struggle to keep a slow pace.
    “More,” she requested. She didn’t want him to hold back. The strain on his face told her he was in need of release.
    The friction inside her channel was beyond imagination. She wanted him to stay inside her forever. She’d never felt so close to another person before. Or wolf, for that matter.
    He spoke through gritted teeth. “Demanding little thing, aren’t you?” His smile told her all she needed to know.
    Lord she wanted him to stop coddling her and fuck her harder. Now .
    He did as she wished though, increasing the speed of his thrusts, his groin brushing against her clit with each pass.
    She sucked in a breath as she felt herself reaching for another orgasm.
    “Come for me, baby,” he pleaded.
    Could she? So soon after just having an orgasm against his mouth?
    “Come, Kathleen. I’ll not release myself until you do.” He pressed firmly against her.
    She tipped her head back and squeezed her eyes shut as her orgasm climbed to the surface. So close. Would she disappoint him if she couldn’t come again?
    “Now, Kathleen. Come.” He reached between their bodies. Before she knew what he was doing, he’d pinched her clit with his fingers. She exploded, her pussy grasping his cock and squeezing him as her orgasm washed through her entire body.
    On the heels of her release, Gabe pushed into her as far as possible and groaned through his own orgasm. He filled her with his seed, pulse after pulse of his come slicking the inside of her sex.
    She watched his face as he came undone through the end of her own release.
    When he finally relaxed, his gaze landed on hers and he stroked her face again. “Thank you, mate of mine. That was the most beautiful gift I’ve ever received.” He collapsed onto his side, landing just to her left so she wouldn’t be smashed by his enormous frame.
    She still struggled to breathe normal, reaching for his biceps that landed across her chest and stroking his firm arm. How did a doctor who worked as many hours as she was sure he did have enough time to work out as much as his muscles attested to?
    His breathing slowed as she explored his skin.
    This was really happening. She had let this demanding persistent shifter claim her. She was mated. Now what?

Chapter Five
    Gabe stood beside the bed and stared down at his sweet mate. She’d fallen asleep, her hair spread out around her on his pillow. He couldn’t believe his good fortune. She’d been gloriously open to him as he took her for the first time. And so damn beautiful when she came, her mouth hanging open, her eyes half-closed, her neck long and stretched.
    He ran his fingers through the curls against the pillow, watching her relaxed face, her chest rising and falling evenly in slumber.
    He wanted her again. But he also wanted to go for a run with her. He’d not been able to get enough free time to shift and dash between the trees since he’d returned home and that was the best part about his parents’ land.
    He needed to ease her awake and slid back in between the sheets next to her.
    The top sheet he’d pulled over their tangled bodies after they’d collapsed rested just over the tips of her breasts. Unable to resist, he trailed one finger down her neck and across the valley of her

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