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Book: Dominated by Becca Jameson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becca Jameson
Tags: paranormal romance
overloading her senses. She couldn’t have imagined someone licking her between her legs.
    And again she wanted more.
    He didn’t disappoint. He licked and sucked her sex until he’d climbed high enough to flick his tongue over her clit.
    It was too much. She was so close. The instant he sucked the tight nub into his mouth, she shot off, her orgasm taking control of her. Her pussy milked at nothing, her clit throbbing between his lips.
    She burned to have him inside her and wasn’t beyond begging for more.
    As she came down from her high, she flinched. He backed off her sensitive skin and licked a trail around it.
    “You taste fantastic.” He lifted his face and set his chin on her crotch, grinning up at her. “That was so beautiful. Thank you.”
    Thank him? If that was a gift for him , she was one very lucky woman.
    He stroked her thighs and then her stomach, lifting back to a sitting position and resuming his attention to her breasts. “I love how your nipples stand high on your chest when I graze them.” He did so, just to prove his point. She flinched at the contact.
    “Please, Gabe. I need you,” she pleaded. Enough small talk. Enough torturing her. She wanted him inside her—now.
    “This is forever, you know. Once I claim you, you’re mine for good. There’s no going back. At least not without torturing us both.” He spoke the words with all seriousness, and she felt the heaviness of his pronouncement. “Are you sure?”
    “Yes.” The word came out on a breath, barely audible. “Please.”
    He stood and never took his gaze off hers while he popped the button on his jeans and lowered the zipper. His cock sprung out as though exasperated with its confined treatment.
    As his jeans fell to the floor, she watched his girth grow larger. Was that possible? She swallowed and nibbled on her lower lip. Her knees closed of their own accord. Concern made her trepidation increase. She knew how tight it felt having his finger inside her. How would it feel to have that huge staff filling her tight insides?
    He climbed back between her legs, gently pressing them open.
    “Relax, Kathleen.” He stroked her thighs again. “I’ll go slow. I promise.”
    “May I touch you?” she asked. She reached for him without waiting for permission. His smooth chest called to her. She couldn’t resist stroking her fingers down his pecs. He didn’t say a word, letting her explore his muscles. When she grazed over his nipple, he flinched. It pebbled as hers had. She trailed the tips of her fingers down his torso until she reached his cock.
    He grabbed her wrist. “As much as I want you to take me in your hand, you can’t this time. Later.”
    Why? She gazed up at his face.
    He chuckled. “I’m so close to exploding, I’ll never make it inside you if you touch me, baby.”
    He took her other wrist with his free hand and pulled them both up alongside her head as he leaned over her body. His huge frame spread her legs even wider. His thickness nudged her opening. The fire inside her raged out of control. He was dominating her with his body, and her arousal shot sky-high.
    “Slow and easy. Deep breaths.” He kissed her—a soft slow kiss that melted her a fraction as his cock eased into her tight sex.
    Her brain scrambled to keep up, consumed anew with his lips. But in an instant she struggled to pay attention to the kiss, her entire body tensing as he pressed forward. She squeezed the blanket alongside her head with her fists. The restraint he had on her made her need him even more. How was that possible?
    He paused in his entrance and nibbled her lips. “Relax, baby. It’s gonna feel so good.” He held her tighter with both hands and stiffened his entire body a second before he pressed into her slow and steady until he reached so deep she couldn’t breathe.
    She gasped. The pain was sharp as he stretched her beyond reason. She held her breath, her vision clouding as he stared into her eyes.
    He released her wrists and

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