Bone Cold

Read Online Bone Cold by Debra Webb - Free Book Online

Book: Bone Cold by Debra Webb Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debra Webb
Tags: Nora Roberts, Cloning, reunited lovers, Cold Case, missing child, BONE DEEP, J.D. Robb
Are you that certain we’re over?”
    For two seconds she couldn’t answer. Seeing him after all this time confused her, muddled her thinking. She bullied past the uncertainty. “A divorce is the only thing I want from you, Tom. That’s all I will ever want.”


Chapter 12
    503 Ivy Circle, Alexandria, Virginia, 6:50 p.m.
    The Adams’ home was every bit as extravagant as Sarah had expected. Eight thousand square feet or so, the stately home sat on more than half an acre in a prestigious neighborhood only minutes from the park where their daughter had been abducted.
    Sarah knew from personal experience all the luxury in the world wouldn’t assuage the agony of having a child in jeopardy.
    “Why don’t we stop beating around the bush here,” the senator suggested, “what is it you’re asking?”
    So far they had interviewed three of the eight missing children’s parents. Each couple had gotten nervous when asked about the child who’d died. All had either fallen apart, stopping the interview, or shutdown, effectively doing the same, at this point. Adams was their last chance today. Sarah was reasonably sure if she kept picking at the issue with the other parents she would get the story—if there was one—but she despised the idea of putting these people through any unnecessary discomfort. If Tom was wrong…
    Stay on task, Sarah. Don’t over analyze
    “You lost your older daughter five years ago,” Tom ventured. “Katie was born ten months later, but you chose a different hospital for her birth. In fact, you used a private facility in Maryland.”
    Sarah kept her mouth shut, though it wasn’t easy. This was one of the many things Tom had kept from her. He hadn’t said a word about all the missing children having been born in the same private hospital until they interviewed the Myerses. The shouting match in the car after the interview had garnered her the same old tired response,
I can only provide information on a need to know basis.
    Leave it to the feds to keep local law enforcement in the dark. Her lips tightened at the idea. Whatever the hell was going on, they needed answers if there was any hope of finding these children.
    Adams frowned, but not before Sarah saw the lockdown on his defenses. That exhausted, worried sick, I-want-to-help expression vanished.
    “Did you really just ask about our choice in health care, Agent Cuddahy?”
    “I can assure you,” Tom began, “investigating this avenue is in the best interest of finding your daughter. We believe there may be a tie-in related to the hospital.”
    Then came the shock. Sarah had noted the same with the other parents. “Actually, Senator,” Sarah interjected, “we’re looking at the employees. This may be a disgruntled employee trying to get back at the hospital by abducting high profile patients.”
    To his credit Tom didn’t say a word or stare at her as if she’d lost her mind. She had an advantage over him. She had already interviewed the senator. Secret or no, if he knew something that would help he would react. Perhaps not by answering their questions, but he would make a call or take action of some sort. Though all the parents were wealthy, Adams was the only one with powerful political connections.
    “Are you saying all seven of the missing children were born at the Avalon Center?”
    “Yes, sir,” Sarah answered before Tom could. “All within the same twenty-four month period and all to families of means. There’s potentially eight now.” Sarah had confirmed that the Cashion child had been born at Avalon as well. She hadn’t been able to interview the father yet. He’d had a heart attack. If he was stable enough later this evening she would be able to question him then.
    Adams shook his head. “Avalon is a cutting edge facility. They employ only the very best. I checked them out before we made the decision to go there.”
    “You weren’t happy with the hospital where your first child was born?” Tom checked his

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