The Sheikh's American Bride (The Sharqi Sheikhs Series Book 2)

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Book: The Sheikh's American Bride (The Sharqi Sheikhs Series Book 2) by Leslie North Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leslie North
his chest as he walked toward her unable to look him in the eyes. His entire body had a golden tone as if he spent all his time in the sun. Without his shirt on, his muscles had more contour than she imagined as she fisted her hand on the pillow to keep from reaching out to run her fingers down his chest to his happy trail that disappeared under the towel.
    Reaching his hand out, he tugged at the pillow that she was now fisting in both hands. “There now,” he said softly. “That pillow did not do anything to you, there’s no need to strangle it,” he told her as he managed to pull it out of her tight grasp and set it aside.
    Claire desperately wanted to cover herself again and reached for the towel on her head, but he beat her to it as he tugged it loose and tossed it far from her reach.
    Smiling down at her, “You’re beautiful, Claire and if you’ll allow me, I will show you.”
    Unsure how to respond, she felt her blush deepen, as he dropped his towel. Unable to resist, she dropped her head to look and had to close her eyes. He really was magnificent, which had her wondering what he could possibly see in her.
    Before she could call a halt to what they were about to do, he grasped her chin and forced her to lift her head to look at him. The look in his eyes was almost her undoing as she looked into his admiring gaze.
    Without thinking, Claire leaned forward and pressed her lips to his; parting her mouth on a gasp at how good it felt. She had not realized how much she had missed his lips until he kissed her. The last time they had kissed, she had put a stop to it and ran off without saying anything, but she didn’t intend to do that this time. Not now.
    She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately as Taleb pushed her back onto the bed and joined her.
    Hovering over her, Taleb slid his knee between her legs forcing them apart as he settled comfortably between them. Looking down at her, he traced the side of her face with his finger before running it down her nose to her lips.
    As he gently outlined her lips, Claire opened her mouth to capture his fingertip and sucked it into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it before he slowly pulled it out with a pop. His eyes darkened with approval as he watched her. With his hand, he continued to explore her body seeming to see her for the first time as he gazed on her with wonder.
    As he trailed his fingers across her chest, his thumb brushed up against her nipples as she moaned in response. He stared transfixed as they puckered up into stiff peaks. Dropping his head down, he licked first one and then the other.
    The sudden intense feelings his warm mouth created had Claire itching to close her legs so that she could rub her thighs together to calm her growing need. Instead, she drew her legs up and rubbed them up and down the sides of his body, as he continued to worship her breasts.
    Claire felt as though her body was on a slow simmer and Taleb was the flame, as she felt her body heating up under his capable hands. Everywhere he touched or kissed her, she wanted more. He was stirring sensations inside her that she had never felt with Daniel or any other man.
    Working his way down her body, Claire arched up when his beard brushed against her more sensitive spots. Lifting his head, he grinned at her as he rubbed his chin across her mound watching as she writhed beneath him. Lifting her legs, he draped them over his shoulders before kissing the inside of her thighs.
    Rubbing his thumbs along her fleshy lips, he parted her folds and licked her as she clutched wildly at the comforter beneath her. Inhaling deeply, Taleb ran his tongue up and down before he captured her clit with his mouth and sucked on it.
    Claire’s orgasm caught them both by surprise as she cried out his name and began bucking beneath him. Holding tight to her hips, he drank in her juices as she spasmed beneath him.
    When she had

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