more time gawking at Sean than they did on their orders. The blonde woman elbowed the guy then pointed.
“This happens a lot.” Sean finished his sandwich. “Most of the time, they come right up in the middle of dinner. I don’t get the chance to finish. Just watch. Those four will start then out of nowhere, at least a dozen more will show up.”
“Social media. One of them probably just texted a friend and so on and so on.”
“Just don’t go.” Sean reached across the table and held Jonathan’s hand. “Seriously. I don’t want to be left alone. I can handle the crowds and the people who surge to where I’m standing, but the moment I’m left to my own devices, I’m shit.” He’d never been that honest with anyone—not even Tyler.
“I can’t say I’ll stick to your side,” Jonathan said. “But I’ll do my best.” Just as he finished speaking, the foursome strode up to where they sat. The blonde pushed right up to him. She rubbed her breasts on Sean’s arm.
“You’re my favorite actor. You’re so…good on the screen.” She flipped a piece of paper onto the table. “Can I have your autograph?”
“Sure.” Sean glanced over at Jonathan, who’d been elbowed off his stool.
Jonathan stood off to the side, sandwich bag in hand. He smiled and waited against the garbage bin. That was not what Sean had wanted for the date. He’d planned to treat him well and for them to learn about each other. Jonathan was learning plenty.
“I want an autograph, too.” The guy offered his arm. “Right there. I’ll turn it into a tattoo.”
“Get together. Picture time!”
Sean wasn’t sure who produced the phone, but within seconds, he’d had his picture taken at least a dozen times. He groaned, but kept the smile. The fans wanted to see him happy and engaged in the activity, not cranky because they’d fucked up his date. God, his inner emo boy was coming out.
Please Jonathan, don’t decide I’m too high maintenance. Just stay. Please stay.
Chapter Seven
Jonathan shifted his weight from his right foot to his left. He should’ve known this would happen. Going out around town with a celebrity was risky. No matter where they ended up, someone would try to butt in on Sean’s time. He should’ve known he wouldn’t have the pizzazz to hold Sean’s attention. Jonathan could hear his friend Cody’s voice in his head.
You’ve got to get past your feeling of not being enough. Yeah, we’re young, but we can do whatever we put our minds to.
He swallowed his pride. Time to help Sean out and take what he wanted in the process. He nudged past the group of fans to Sean’s side. “Hey. You’ve got to get back to the set. The director called, and we’re late. Come on.” He waved at the fans. “Sorry.”
Sean held up both hands. “When he calls, I have to go.” He picked up his soda cup. “Come check out the movie. You’ll be glad you did.” He navigated through the group with Jonathan at his side.
“Tell your handler there, you don’t need a babysitter.” The girl cupped her breast. “You need this.”
Sean draped his arm around Jonathan. “Yes, I do need to get moving.” He leaned in close to Jonathan, sending chills up and down Jonathan’s spine. “I’m sure she’s not the one I need.”
“Oh?” Jonathan steered Sean down the street and out of the sightline of the sub shop patrons. “You don’t have to act for me. If you like that, then cool. Don’t let me cramp your style.”
“Jonathan.” Sean pinned him between his body and the far wall of the sub shop. “I used to like that kind of hero worship. I did. I’ve grown up or something. I wanted you to save me. I wanted you to get me the hell out of there so I could be with you. The whole point of going on a date was to spend time together with you, not spend time with those guys.” He grasped the belt loops of Jonathan’s pants, rubbing his groin against Jonathan’s. “I want you.”
The words do
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