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Book: Complicated by Megan Slayer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Slayer
Tags: Gay New Adult Romance
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    “Can’t be nothing. You’re not talking. What’s got you spooked?”
    Jonathan groaned. “This…this is kind of my first real date.”
    Sean didn’t say a word. He feared if he blurted something out, he’d either sound like moron or he’d hurt Jonathan’s feelings unintentionally. He smoothed his palm up Jonathan’s chest. “This is kind of my first date since I got clean and sober. We can have a first together.”
    “You’ve been clean for three years.”
    “I have, but this is a new beginning for me. I’ve got someone to be a better man for.” He sounded silly, but he meant every word. He slipped his arm around Jonathan’s. “You’re giving me a chance, and that’s a whole hell of a lot more than most of others have done.”
    Jonathan bumped shoulders with Sean but didn’t pull away. They walked in silence for another city block. “Here’s the place.”
    Sean nodded. Jonathan hadn’t been kidding. The Funky Sub Shop was definitely funky. Black lights shone down on the purple walls. Posters from a wide array of concerts had been plastered on the ceiling. The stools and tables were all different sizes, as if the owners had gone to a secondhand store and simply bought whatever was there. Rock music blared over the speaker system. Most of the tables were empty.
    “What can I get you?” the kid behind the counter asked.
    Sean scanned the menu on the far wall behind the counter. “I need a ham and cheese and one of the roast beef specials.” He turned to Jonathan. “What would you like?”
    Jonathan slid his gaze over to Sean for a moment. “Thank you.” He rested his hands on his hips. “How about one of the roast beef specials?”
    “You got it,” the kid said. “Haven’t seen you in here in a while, Jon.” He smiled then got to work on the subs.
    “Haven’t seen you in a while?” Sean whispered in Jonathan’s ear. He couldn’t help but feel a bit of jealousy.
    “I used to come in every day for lunch when I worked as a courier.” Jonathan shrugged. “It was fast and filled me up.”
    “Nothing wrong with hard work and a good meal.” Sean rubbed Jonathan’s lower back. “Working men are sexy.”
    Jonathan rolled his eyes, but the corners of his mouth kinked. He grabbed some napkins and the cups. “What do you want to drink?”
    “I’d love a root beer.” Sean paid for the sandwiches then carried them to a table near the window. He’d forgotten what it felt like to be anonymous. No one at the shop seemed to know or care he was there. He settled on the stool and waited for Jonathan.
    “They put the extra one in a bag for us.” Jonathan tucked the bag against the window. “Don’t let me forget it.”
    “I won’t.” Sean unwrapped his sub then paused. “What did you want to do when you were a kid?”
    “Me?” Jonathan chewed the bite he’d torn off then swallowed. “I wanted to be a rock star.” He shrugged. “I couldn’t sing and ended up being thrown out of the school choir. That’s when I realized I wasn’t meant for musical theater, either. What about you?”
    “I’ve been in the film industry since I was three.”
    “Yeah, but was that all you’ve ever wanted to do? You said something about wanting to go to college. What would you study?”
    Sean suppressed a snort. This was the most cerebral conversation he’d had with anyone in a long time. He wanted to both impress Jonathan and be himself. “The actor in me would say I’ve wanted to act for my entire life.” He picked up his soda cup. “But I’ve always wanted to study art. I had a role where I had to talk about sculpture. It was a movie where I played a college kid who obsessed with the Ming Dynasty. I had no idea what the hell I was saying. I’d like to learn exactly what I was talking about so I can sound intelligent.”
    “I get it.” Jonathan slurped on his soda. “We’ve got company.” He nodded slightly to the side.
    Three women and one guy stood at the counter. They spent

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