Lynette Vinet - Emerald Trilogy 02

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Book: Lynette Vinet - Emerald Trilogy 02 by Emerald Enchantment Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emerald Enchantment
Tags: Romance
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the door, hurtling down the corridor, when Cecelia stepped out of her own room to block Allison’s passage. Allison came to an abrupt stop, her heart beat wildly.
    “So you’re determined to sneak away in the dark of the night like a thief to run off with your precious Paul!” Cecelia stood with arms folded, a malicious gleam in her eyes.
    For some strange reason Cecelia suddenly didn’t intimidate Allison, though she wondered if the woman would try to stop her by force. “Please try to understand how much I love him,” Allison begged. “If you could see things differently, then we could be married here. I would dearly love a wedding with you in attendance.”
    “My dear, don’t expect a celebration from me. You’re getting your way. I don’t intend to stop you but neither do I intend to sanction this union .”
    Allison grew aware she had been holding her breath. She let out a long sigh. “You won’t stop us?”
    “You can have your Paul and the pain he’ll cause you. It isn’t that I don’t care for you, Allison. I do. I do not want your hatred. Go, marry your young man.”
    A smile trembled across Allison’s lips, and she tentatively kissed Cecelia on the cheek. “Thank you so much,” she whispered.
    Cecelia didn’t return the kiss. Her eyes remained as cold as before. “Don’t thank me. I’ve sent for my solicitor in Dublin. He is to change my will. Fairfax Manor and all my wealth shall not revert to you upon my death. You are no longer my heir.”
    “Then who?” Allison asked. She was not particularly surprised, only curious.
    “Upon my death, all properties and monies shall be dispersed among various charities. I hadn’t intended to do that, but your young man planted the seed in my head. I know how he feels about the disadvantaged,” Cecelia said dryly. “I should think he’d be quite pleased to discover this. Do tell him when you see him.” She turned and entered her room without further word.
    How clever she is, thought Allison, looking after her aunt. She slowly began to move once more towards the stairs. Cecelia had given her her heart’s desire with no protestations, but Allison knew her devious aunt counted on the fact that Allison would tell Paul about the change in her will and he would no longer desire to marry her. It was a test of Paul’s love. Allison only hoped Cecelia was wrong, and Paul would choose her over Fairfax Manor. He must choose her!
    As she ran across the fields, into the forest and into Paul’s waiting arms, she had already decided her course of action. She would not tell him about the will, not right away. Later, after they were married…


      “Paul, this is all so lovely,” Allison declared two days later as she looked around the lavishly furnished house to which he had brought her in the heart of Dublin. Outside the gauzy curtains, the River Liffey coursed through the center of the city. The warm, dying sunlight reflected off the water, causing the surroundings to look romantic and full of promise. “I had no idea you had a house here!”
    He grinned at her obvious pleasure in her surroundings, watching as she timidly touched the expensive upholstered furniture in the drawing room. “I rented it some time ago, when I entered university. At one point I thought of giving up the lease, but now I’m glad I didn’t.”
    “Why is that?” she asked and looked up.
    “Because, my love, it is the perfect place to bring my bride.”
    She blushed when she realized that he no longer surveyed her with amusement but growing desire. “I still can’t believe we’re actually married, Paul,” she whispered.
    In one long stride he was beside her and took her in his arms. “I knew it would happen from the first moment I saw you, Allison. I’ve never wanted a woman as much as I wanted you. “
    She drew back, his words sending niggling doubts to plague her. “I gather you’ve had many women,” she faltered.
    His voice grew low and purposely

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