Apprehended (Amber Alert Series Book 3)

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Book: Apprehended (Amber Alert Series Book 3) by Sara Schoen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Schoen
get angrier. "What's it like knowing that if you had called in that bomb a little bit earlier you could have saved some of your team?" I asked. I knew that it was below the belt, and downright disrespectful, but I was going to make a point whether it hurt him or not to hear it.
    His head shot up and his eyes narrowed at me in pure anger. "How do you know about that?"
    I chose to ignore him again, "You radioed to tell them that there was a bomb, and you ran out as you did it. Do you seriously think you were in the wrong for that? Can you seriously blame yourself for that? You did what you were supposed to, you said you found it, tried to disarm it, when you couldn’t you told them and left. There's nothing wrong with it, but here you are still blaming yourself as if you killed them."
    "You don't have any idea what you're talking about, Jessi! Give me the file," he yelled, shooting up from his seat and reaching across the table to attempt to take the file from my hands. I took a few steps back to get out of his reach and continued to read.
    "You did what you were supposed to do, but there just wasn't enough time left on that bomb was there?" I asked rhetorically as he attempted to steal the file from my hands once again. "You stated that there was only about a minute, maybe a little more, on the timer when you first got there. You were the closest to the exit, Callum," I said as I slapped down the building plans in front of him. There were large X's over where each person from his team was around the moment he called in and started to escape. "Of course you got out! There was an exit right next to you. You warned them, and they stayed behind to get as many people out as they could. They all could have gotten out, but wanted to save others, just like you tried to do by disarming it."
    "I don't need to see this again, Jessi!" he yelled as he tore the paper to shreds. I silently hoped that somewhere they had made a copy. I tried to play it cool, but honestly I was getting more nervous the angrier he got. I thought that he would calm down eventually. I had attempted to profile him and saw this conversation going a totally different route. Having the facts put out in front of him should have made him see that he did all he could, that it was out of his hands, or so I thought.
    I knew he would be angry with me at first, but I thought he would calm down. His protective nature over his team should have calmed him down when he realized he was getting upset with me, but it never occurred to me that technically I wasn't a part of his team. His protective nature didn't fall on me, I always brought out his anger and now I was just making it worse. It made me curious if he'd ever realize that I was trying to help him, but when I took a mental step back I was just trying to help myself. I cringed slightly—Callum was right, I was selfish. I wanted him to see that we were the same, but that wouldn’t help him, it would only help me.
    "You were after a guy that you profiled as suicidal. He had completed his mission and now he had to die so that he wouldn't be taken in. It was going to happen you profiled it!"
    "That's why it's my fault! I figured it out, and we still went in there"
    "No it's not, Callum! You weren't team leader at the time," I retorted. "Aiden was team leader at the time, it was his call to go in! You can't blame yourself it wasn't your call! You guys worked as a team and figured it out for themselves that it was worth the risk. Just like I'm doing now to force you to see this! You were young, and just because this happened doesn't make it your fault."
    "How about you get to the point of this, Jessi? What's the real reason you're here talking to me about this? Because I know it's not because you care, you've proven that already. Just tell me and get out, I don't need my past dragged up and analyzed by a...a—” he started, clearly trying to figure out what to say to me. 
    "A what? What do you really want to say, Callum?" I

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