
Read Online Desires by Holly J. Gill, Nikki Blaise - Free Book Online

Book: Desires by Holly J. Gill, Nikki Blaise Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holly J. Gill, Nikki Blaise
on the dresser, and then took her
beauty products into the bathroom, arranging them on the side of the Jacuzzi.
    The steamy room smelled of a mixture of vanilla and
orange blossom, which emanated from the bubbles piling up in the Jacuzzi. She
placed her hands on the sash of her robe, then hesitated, looking at Dan.
    “Is everything all right?” he asked.
    “It’s perfect, thank you,” she replied. In a rush, she
slipped the robe off and let it drop to the floor, turning her back to Dan as
she climbed into the bath. The temperature was perfect and she couldn’t help
letting out an, “Mmm,” of pleasure as she slid down into the enfolding warmth. She
gathered the bubbles together to hide her breasts, before daring to meet Dan’s
eyes. He raised his eyebrows and she felt silly for feeling embarrassed.
    Dan moved closer to her and knelt at the side of the bath.
He gazed deep into her eyes and then deliberately looked down at where her
breasts were hidden under the cover of bubbles. His mouth was inches from hers.
She could just lean forward and kiss him.
    “How would you feel about playing with yourself in the bath?
You could use your shower gel to soap up your breasts to start.”
    Stacie looked at him, stunned, and glanced at the bottle
of shower gel.
    Well that wasn't
quite what I had in mind .
    Stacie looked back at him. Was he waiting for her to
begin? “With you watching?” she said, just to clarify.
    “Yes, of course. I need to keep an eye on you. I have a
feeling if I don’t keep watching, as soon as my back’s turned you’ll forget why
you’re here.” His tone was teasing.
    The idea was intriguing. What the heck? Why not? She raised her upper body up and slowly
brushed off the bubbles so her breasts were on show to him. They gleamed from the
water, and steamed slightly as they came out into the open air. Her smooth pink
nipples crinkled and shrank in protest.
    She watched Dan watching her breasts. His eyes flicked
up and he gave her a smile, not abashed in the slightest. This close up, she
could see details in his face she hadn’t noticed before. His lips were perfect
and kissable, his cheekbones high and well-shaped. There was a slight scar,
thin and about an inch long, on his right cheek. Stacie wondered how he had got
it. His nose was elegant and his eyes looked like pools of chocolate framed by the
kind of thick, dark eyelashes girls paid far too much money for. His gelled
hair was styled in rough spikes and his stubble just cried out to have fingers
rubbed over it. He was delicious.
    She closed her eyes and dunked her head under the water,
coming back up with her hair shiny and slick, plastered to her head. She felt
like a mermaid. She ran her hands over her head and gazed at Dan, deliberately
catching her lower lip between her teeth as she’d seen other women do. She
didn’t want him to just be doing his job. She wanted him to want her.
    Dan’s eyes were fixed on her. The candles in the room
flickered in the damp atmosphere. Stacie took a bath puff from the side and
squeezed a generous amount of shower gel onto it.
    She lay back in the bath, bringing out her left leg from
the water. Steam evaporated from her leg and she let Dan gaze at it for a
second before leisurely applying the bath puff to her gleaming skin. She ran it
down her thigh, then bent her knee, bringing her knee up to her chest and
smoothing the bath puff down her calf, pointing her toe the whole time.
    In her peripheral vision she could see Dan watching her keenly.
    She repeated the process with her right leg, enjoying
the golden glimmer the candles and water created on her limbs. The flickering
light reflected tiny rainbows off the tiny bubbles sliding over her skin.
    Stacie lowered her legs back into the water to rinse the
soap off. Her breasts rose out of the water like iridescent islands. Her
nipples were quiescent and flat. She ran the fingers of one hand around the
nipple area of one breast, deliberately avoiding the nipple

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