Loving Her (Keeping Her)

Read Online Loving Her (Keeping Her) by Kelly Lucille - Free Book Online

Book: Loving Her (Keeping Her) by Kelly Lucille Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Lucille
stomped off.
    "Don't be silly.  You
need 12 men for a Calendar."  Cassie rolled her eyes.  "Now you're
just being ridiculous."
    Cassie felt the couch shift
as someone sat beside her.  She turned to see a golden haired blue eyed,
extremely young, lion shifter sitting beside her.
    "So, Cassie.” Ian, who
was 16 year old, had a naughty smile on a face that was surely going to break
hearts for many years to come.  "Did you know that when wolves find an
alpha female, she is usually shared by the Alpha males of the pack?  It’s like a
biological imperative.  It's ‘The Calling,’ he said, making air quotes with his
fingers.  "They are all drawn to mate together.  Like the wolves of
    "Really?"  Cassie
asked, one brow going up.  "Like the wolves of yore?  Well, that's
    "I think I'm feeling
that call."  Then the little lothario actually winked.
    "So then, you're a
wolf shifter?"
    "No.  Lion."
    "Mac and Ben, they
aren't wolf either?"
    He cleared his throat. 
"No, wolverine and jaguar."
    She crinkled her nose. 
"Then it really doesn't apply does it?"
    "Demons a wolf, isn't
he Clytie?"  She turned to Clytie who snorted and then straightened her
face to serious.  "He is."
    "Then that's the answer. 
Clearly, it’s Clytie you're drawn to, not me.  Demon!”  She yelled, making Ian
cringe.  "Ian wants to join you as Clytie’s mate.  He's got a biological
imperative; Like the wolves of yore." 
    "What.  The. 
Fuck?"  Wow.  Demon was not happy.
    "Ian," his father
called in the steely voice of authority.  "A word."
    Ian cleared his throat and
jumped up, heading for his father and away from the fast approaching Demon. 
"Ladies," he said, his voice breaking over the word.  Demon stopped
where he was, watching him go, his eyes so focused on his escaping prey even
Cassie could feel the heat.
    "Wow," she said,
fanning her face.
    "Yeah," Clytie
said, licking suddenly dry lips.  "It just makes me want to bite him when
he does his alpha male thing."
    Cassie looked around. 
"Where are Essie and Roxanne?"
    "I haven't seen
Essie.  Roxanne went outside to play with Cleo."  Cleo had been introduced
earlier as Ian’s older sister.  A beautiful golden girl was how Cassie
remembered her with killer cheekbones and blue-green eyes.  Plus, she was
extremely well armed, which had made an impression.
    "Maybe we should go
find her?  Essie I mean," Clytie said.  “Now I'm worried."
    "You don't think we
should stay here and help plan the ‘offensive.’  This time, Cassie did the air
    "Do you know anything
about tactics or military strategy?  Combat?  Hillbilly shapeshifter
shenanigans?  Anything sounding vaguely familiar?"
    "That's a good
point.”  Cassie mulled it over.  "I got nothing.  Let’s go find

Chapter 7
    They took two steps towards
the door and every man in the room lazered in on them.
    "Yowza," Cassie
whispered.  "That's a bit...disconcerting."
    "You get used to it,"
Clytie said, subtly pushing her closer to the room exit.  "They are just
super intense about the whole security thing.  The trick is to show no
    "Just where do you
think you're going?"  Demon said as soon as they turned around he was
    For a big guy he was sure
    "I know you're not
talking to me like that," Clytie said.  Her hands going to her hips in the
ever popular but girly, ass-kicking pose. 
    Cassie wondered where
Roxanne was.  This was something every girl should learn as early as possible.
    In a classic male counter
move, Demon crossed his massive arms at his chest.  "It's not safe for you
to be wandering around."
    "The house?  It's not
safe to wander the house, with all you commandos here and a security system to
rival the White House.  Really?"
     "Just tell me where
you're going and I'll send one of the guys to take care of it."
    Avoidance.  Good one.  Plus
the ever so reasonable tone of his voice suggested quite clearly that she

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