Apprehended (Amber Alert Series Book 3)

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Book: Apprehended (Amber Alert Series Book 3) by Sara Schoen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Schoen
    "I don't need my past analyzed by a novice analyst that is so selfish she pulls punches like this to get others to cooperate with her. You take no care of anyone else’s feelings, you don't take into account their aspects, you can't even handle the criticism I give you to improve, and when I refuse to put you in the field you do this. This isn't the right behavior for an FBI agent, Jessi, and you have to know that. It's ridiculous that it's come to this! How can you honestly stand there and think this is how you should handle it?"
    "If this is the only way to get you to see that you were just like me at one point! You were young and wanted to prove yourself. I know that I can do a good job if you let me!"
    "Well it's not happening now!"
    "Why not? What is your problem with me, Callum, seriously? Just tell me what I did to make you so angry with me. You used to be so pleasant, even charming when we first met, but maybe that's because you just wanted me to trust you and help you with this case, and if that's the reason then you're still just as selfish as you were when you first started. You haven't changed!"
    "Then you won't change either," Callum retorted. "If I was how you were and I haven't changed, then what hope is there for you to change? As for why I hate you, look at how you're acting! This is childish, irresponsible, and imprudent on your part. I thought you were different!"
    "What's it matter if I was different?" I asked, throwing my arms up into the air in frustration.
    "Nothing," he said quickly. "You do not have the right to drag up my past, you don't have the right to make judgments on what I did, and you certainly don't have a right to be a part of this investigation!"
    "What are you saying?"
    "I want you to go back to Virginia, better yet, go home. Go back to South Carolina, and don't come back into my life. I clearly made a mistake asking you to join this case, and to come into my life. I want you out of it now. I have no idea what I was thinking asking you to come," he huffed out as he plucked the file from my hands and sat back down.
    "What are you talking about?" I asked in a confused daze. This conversation had gone a totally different direction than anticipated. I have no idea what I was thinking when I got that file out of storage, but I apparently wasn't thinking clearly.
    I heard Callum sigh heavily, before looking up at me with an annoyed expression. "Well I guess since you're leaving, and I won't be seeing you again I guess there's no harm in telling you. I found you attractive when we first met, I wanted you to work with the team so that I could get to know you better. Then I figured out what kind of person you are. I don't like it, and now I would like you to leave and not return. Goodbye, Jessi."
    "What did you just say?"
    "I said nothing, now leave. I will tell the police commander to have someone take you to the airport."
    "You found me attractive?" I asked curiously, and shocked honestly. Even when people found me attractive, once they figured out who I was they typically took off running, but he knew who I was and then found me attractive. That was a new idea to me, and I honestly was thrilled by it, but now I realized that my personality lacked a lot since that's what drove him away. 
    I had found him attractive too, while his personality lacked in some cases, but that completely cut me off. Maybe I did remind him of himself, and I failed when he tried to get me to change. Maybe he was just pushing me to get me to learn, but I took it the wrong way and saw it as him not having faith in me. 
    "Callum," I said softly, my voice dropping as I realized my mistake. "I had no right to drag up your past. I just wanted you to see that it wasn't your fault and that—”
    "Stop, Jessi," he stated, interrupting me, but I didn't stop.
    "You needed to see that you have changed, and that you can't keep blaming yourself."
    "Jessi, stop!"
    "You've become team leader and these people look up to

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