Apprehended (Amber Alert Series Book 3)

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Book: Apprehended (Amber Alert Series Book 3) by Sara Schoen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Schoen
you, but you're nowhere with them now and I realize that's because of me. I've let you down, but please don't be upset with them! It's my fault; don't cut yourself off from them please. I know I let you down because I didn't live up to expectations, but Callum you're cutting ties with them. They feel as if you don't care anymore. They see that you're angry and that you're losing focus. Don't let me change that!"
    "Just stop!"
    "You can't let me change that or they could end up like your last team. This man will kill to get to Audrey. She is who he wants, and the more they protect her the angrier he will get! You have to protect them again or they could die too!"
    "Get out, get out, get out!" Callum yelled as he swiped the files off the desk in pure anger. I stood stunned for a few moments still trying to process what just happened. Although when his blue eyes met mine, I felt an icy chill race down my back. Without another moment of hesitation I walked briskly out of the room, leaving Callum there to cool off.
    What had I done now? I thought to myself. I was going to have to go home, what was I thinking that was going to change? I thought I had read him accurately, but he was right, I was a novice that was acting like a child and now I suffered the consequences for it. I was going home, I clearly need time away from this job.
    But I wasn't going to get it.

    Chapter 12
    I shoved the clothes I had brought with me into my suitcase. The hotel we were staying at had been paid for by the bureau, and was relatively nice since we never really spent any time here. Normally we would end up sleeping in the police station for the night just out of convenience or by accident. This job took a lot of time, and most nights when we were on a case was brutal. There was very little sleep, even sometimes at home. The nightmares would get to you, it was only a matter of time with the things we saw. There was always something, everyone had their breaking point, and in this job it was only a matter of time until you found it, or someone found it for you.
    Callum had promptly kicked me off the team for bringing up his breaking point. He had lost his team, and I thought he was upset because he was the one making the calls, but even when I brought up the fact he had done everything he was supposed to do, it made it worse. I guess some things just belong in the past, and it was impudent of me to bring it up. He deserved peace after such an awful tragedy, and I hadn't given it to him. But he also couldn't live with that weight on his shoulders forever, it was going to bring him down one day. I just hoped he realized it before the emotions drowned him, and there wasn't a man to save anymore.
    I left the hotel, into the awaiting car that was going to take me to Audrey and Damien before I got on the plane back to Virginia. Jason was going to follow a lead with Callum, so I was told that before I left I would act as the agent with them. They hadn't told me the lead, and I had a feeling they weren't going to share anything with me anymore. Kate must have been furious, that is if Callum told them why he sent me home. He could have lied to them; he seemed good at that.
    Jason didn't speak much as we drove to the apartment Audrey shared with Damien near the college campus. He said that he would leave the car for me in a parking lot nearby, and warned me to be careful. Security had been increased due to the kidnapping and fear of another possible attempt on students, but that meant if the unknown subject was as organized as they believed him to be then he could figure out times and patterns.
    "So all the cops just make people think they are safe?" I questioned as Jason put the car in park next to Callum’s SUV.
    "Sometimes, that's all we can ask for. To feel safe," he said before he got out of this car and into Callum’s. Callum pulled away, not even taking the time to look in my direction. I knew his eyes would be filled

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