Zombified (Book 2): Shady Oaks

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Book: Zombified (Book 2): Shady Oaks by Char Robinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Char Robinson
Tags: Zombies
interrupting," Malcolm said with a wave of his hand toward Jake. "There is something I'd like to elaborate. The "cure" rate is 60 percent, which is better than nothing, but what Jake hasn't been told yet is that we've been working on trying to identify those who will benefit from the vaccine. That way, over half the population could be inoculated right now. The vaccine has been tested extensively and seems to offer absolute protection. Of course we don't know how long immunity lasts, but time will tell."
    Without another word, Malcolm turned on his heel and walked back to where he'd been standing earlier. Charlie shook his head and decided to ignore the irritating man.
    Sure, the fact that a lot of people could be protected was wonderful news and he hoped they could find a way to tell who would benefit without killing more people, but he knew Malcolm was trying to redeem himself with his little tidbit of information.
    Charlie figured Malcolm's real motive for a pretest was based more on the fact that they'd eventually run out of test subjects and not due to any sense of decency on Malcolm's part.
    "That's where I come in," Jake said as he stood up. "Since we've been here and they showed me what they've been doing, I've been sharing with them what I discovered on my own. Of course, the ideal situation is to refine the vaccine so it protects over ninety percent of the population, and that's something we both are working on. But for now, it looks like we may have found the way to do effective pretesting, which means no more people will die after receiving the vaccine."
    "So how did they find out so quickly you were a doctor and that you were working on the same thing?" Charlie asked.
    "That's easy to answer," Jenny interjected with a grin at Jake. "As soon as he spotted all the equipment he couldn't keep his mouth shut and Malcolm scooped him right up. He's been back there ever since."
    Jake stood up and nodded. "And I need to get back to work, if you all don't mind. Sorry," he said somewhat apologetically. "I want to see them succeed on this, Malcolm promised they would quit using people as test subjects if we can get this to work."
    Charlie watched Jake hurry over to Jenny to give her a quick kiss before he disappeared through the plastic curtains. Malcolm pushed off a support pole he was leaning against and walked over.
    "Now that you know what's going on, I'm going to send two of you out to fill this Captain Sears in on what we're trying to achieve here. The last thing I need is for them to disrupt our work. You probably thought I'd say destroy our work, but he won't be able to accomplish that objective. I'm sure you've noticed there are not many men here; most of them are busy carrying out their missions."
    Malcolm sat down on the chair vacated by Jake and glanced at each person in turn. "If the military is still here by the time my men return, he and his entire platoon will be destroyed, so make sure he understands the gravity of the situation."
    "As for those of you who remain, I will keep you safe, that much I promised Jake, so consider yourselves fortunate. I will put you to work, however; everyone here earns their keep."
    Malcolm stood and glowered down at them. "Now to pick the two of you who will be leaving us?"
    Cindy sat quietly next to Judith and tried to pay attention to what Harry Jones had to say, but she couldn't take her mind off the fact that Brooke and the others were in danger. By the look on Judith's face, Cindy realized she was also deep in thought and reached over to pat her hand reassuringly. Judith gave a small start and gave Cindy a guilty smile.
    "Sorry," she whispered. "I am so worried right now."
    "Me too," Cindy replied. She gave a slight nod toward the door. "Let's excuse ourselves and go outside, all right?"
    "Sounds like a plan," Judith said with a nod.
    Cindy glanced around her living room, which at the moment was packed with people eager to hear Harry's story of how he came to be at

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