Wolf-Bound: Unfamiliar Territory

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Book: Wolf-Bound: Unfamiliar Territory by Rachel Bo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Bo
to bring someone into their house to stay. But he went out the same day and purchased two things --
    military grade walkie-talkies, one of which was clipped to her waistband even now, its mate either with him or Devlin; and cell phone relay equipment that she hadn’t even realized existed, which guaranteed that she’d always have a signal on the mountain. Whichever way she tried to reach them, they’d get the call.
    Her mother had suggested that she could come and stay during Jenny’s ninth month and for a little while afterward to help with the babies, but Jenny had sensed that her mom’s heart wasn’t in the offer. Not that she didn’t love her daughter and wouldn’t adore the babies, but Jen’s father had suffered a heart attack in late July. It was mild, and he’d recovered very quickly, but Jen knew the episode had shaken her mom to the core, and she understood completely. She’d feel just the same if it were Damien or Devlin. And now that she knew about the length of weyr lifespans, she understood even better. Her father was human, without the advantages of weyr genes. Her mother couldn’t be sure how much longer they would have together, so of course she wouldn’t be anxious to go off and leave him behind. For that matter, Jen herself had wanted to go see him, but Tom had advised against flying or a long road trip, so she’d had to settle for frequent phone calls the last couple of months.
    That line of thinking served only to renew her irritation over how very little real knowledge she had about weyr, and led to a bunch of questions there was no one around right then to answer. Making a mental promise to visit her parents as soon as the pediatrician felt it was safe for her babies to travel, she turned on the radio in an effort to distract herself.
    However, instead of listening, she ended up pacing back and forth through the kitchen.
    She faced the fact that what she really wanted to do was go outside. She had a feeling that if she could just sink her toes into the loam, she would be able to find the rogue. Not that she would go after him by herself, but she had a special bond with the Goddess. At least, it seemed that way to her, more and more, here lately. Something beyond the usual weyr connection to the land. Perhaps the Goddess would help her to find him, maybe even give

    Wolf-Bound: Unfamiliar Territory

    her some insight as to how to help him. She had just decided to make her husbands very angry and leave the house when the gate phone rang.
    They weren’t expecting anyone, so she considered not answering, but after the fifth ring, she went ahead and picked it up. “Yes?”
    “Tara? What are you doing here? You didn’t drive yourself, did you?”
    “Wow, what a greeting!” Laughter floated over the line, though to Jenny the voice sounded strained. “Let’s see, to answer your questions, in order: yes, it’s Tara. I really need to talk to you. And yes, I drove myself.”
    “Shame on you. It’s a two-hour drive! You can’t be up to that.”
    “I’m fine, Jen. Well, physically, at least. Emotionally…not so good. I really need you, and I wasn’t about to drag you out to my place. Besides, this isn’t something I wanted to discuss at home. I just…I really needed to see you out here.”
    Jen frowned, worried about her friend. “Tara, you know you’re always welcome. Of course. Come on up.” She pressed a code into the keypad. “The gate should be opening now.”
    “It is.”
    “I’ll be waiting for you on the front porch.”
    Jenny walked slowly to the front of the house. She stepped out onto the wooden decking and sat on the porch swing, wondering what the crisis could be. Had Tara’s loss finally caught up with her? After the one outburst in the hospital, she had seemed to accept her baby’s fate rather stoically, though her silent tears had flowed like a river at the funeral service a few days later.
    Jen’s muscles tensed, and she leaned back,

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