Love vs. Payne

Read Online Love vs. Payne by Z. Stefani - Free Book Online

Book: Love vs. Payne by Z. Stefani Read Free Book Online
Authors: Z. Stefani
Tags: Romance
off. He was shaking with rage, trying to calm himself down, he knew he had no right to react this way. He had no claim on Gia, she was his enemy that was all, he would never be able to have her the way he wanted her, never. He had to let her go, but first he needed to get the hell out of the prom before he did something bad.
    Gia was trying to remain cool, but she getting irritated with Frankie trying to be so overtly sexual with his dancing. She was continually dodging his swaying hips and over eager hands. After her third attempt to keep him at arm’s length, she was ready to throttle him.
    “We don’t have to be so close.” she said for the hundredth time.
    “Sorry, sugar pie,” he wiggled his brows and Gia stared at him questioningly, “I can’t help myself, it’s that sexual static, it’s like electricity between us, don’t you feel it sugar bear?” she watched his face as he cooed like a child, his mouth opened wide. She vowed if the spittle on the end of his slightly protruding tongue dripped on her, that she was going to slug him.
    “No, I don’t.” she said, ready to pull away from him.
    “You don’t feel that?” he swung his pelvis like a weapon and Gia pulled back just in time. Frankie, feeling her pull away, made the grave mistake of grabbing her butt to pull her back to him. Gia, in a state of shock, looked at him in stunned disbelief.
    “Take your hand off me right now.” she demanded as her anger sparked in her eyes.
    Maddox watched as Frankie tried to pull Gia closer, his hands dangerously close to her hips.
    “Are you alright honey?” Paige asked as she watched Maddox’s face turn bright red and his large muscular body begin to shake. He ignored her, trying to take a deep calming breath, getting a grip on his escalating temper before it sent him over the edge. Just as he decided to stop procrastinating and really leave before something happened, Frankie did it, the jackass slid his hand down to Gia’s ass.
    Maddox was up and rushing towards them, before he even knew what he was doing. His boys saw him react and were right behind him, not knowing what was going on, but ready for anything. One never knew with Maddox, he was naturally quick-fisted but with the foul mood he had been in lately, anything was possible.
    He stalked towards Gia, standing very close behind her, facing Frankie.
    "Get your fucking hands off her." Maddox said calmly, although his expression promised certain death. Frankie cowered under the power of Maddox's homicidal glare and quickly stepped away from Gia.
    "Stop." Gia gasped as Maddox put his arm around her waist, she tried to pull away, not wanting anyone to see them together. She was thankful for the packed dance floor and the huge circle of football players surrounding them. Maddox pulled her tightly to his chest, daring Frankie to say something. He wanted to scream at the little man and tell him the rules about what belonged to Maddox Payne. He felt childish, wanting to resort back to screaming "MINE!" while he stomped the small guy to the ground.
    "Leave him alone Maddox!" Gia hissed at him.
    Frankie was not stupid, sure, it had felt good, to have the prettiest date at the prom, but nothing was worth his face. Besides he was sure he saw Alicia smiling at him earlier, he strutted towards her, ready to dazzle her with his charm.
    Maddox took Gia out of the school and she started to struggle the minute they were alone. He took her over to the huge tree in the back by the parking lot and over next to the football field.
    "What are you doing? Have you lost your mind?" she yelled as softly as she could manage.
    "Why was his hand on your ass?" He demanded furiously.
    "Do you realize you just took me out of our prom, with everyone watching us? She fumed, angry that he would take that risk."
    "I can't believe you let him put his hand on your ass!" he roared.

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