You've Got Tail

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Book: You've Got Tail by Renee George Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renee George
tipped his head to me.
    Through clenched teeth, Babel said, “Thanks for stopping by, Neville.”
    â€œWe’ll continue this discussion later, Babe. Bet on it.” He tipped his head again to me. “Ma’am.”
    â€œWhat was that about?” I asked when the mayor was out of earshot.
    Babel shook his head. “Your coming to town has stirred up a hornet’s nest, Sunny. Folks around here aren’t happy with Chav or me.”
    The “folks” would just have to get over it, I nearly said aloud. With all the warnings to leave, I had a healthy sense of alarm, but I was more concerned for Chavvah. She’d stayed in Peculiar because of her determination to find out what happened to her brother, and if I had gone missing, she would have been just as dogged. It is the kind of person Chav is and has always been at her very core. So, there was no way in hell I was going to let the local yokels run me out of town until I found her safe and sound.
    Before I could say as much, Jo Jo came barreling out the door. “Oh, hey, Sunny. Everything’s in. You had a lot of junk in that trailer.”
    I didn’t take offense to the use of “junk” to describe the only personal items I brought with me from California. Most of it was junk, but it had sentimental value. “Are you trying to renegotiate your salary?”
    He blushed, and again it made him seem impossibly young. “Nothing like that.” Jo Jo grinned sheepishly.
    I dug in my purse and pulled out two twenties and a ten. I handed the money to Jo Jo, which he eagerly accepted. “My keys?”
    â€œOn the counter inside.” He stuffed the money into his front pocket. “You need any more help, you just let me know.”
    I liked Jo Jo. It seemed he was the only one in town who actually wanted me to stay. “Thanks. I might take you up on that.”
    â€œGet on home, boy. Your pa’s probably fretting,” Babel said.
    â€œDoubt that.” Jo Jo grimaced and rolled his eyes. “I’m going.” He took off toward the south end of town, practically skipping as he went.
    I went inside, Babel following close behind. I could sense his presence, even without turning back to look. “What an odd name. Jo Jo. What’s it short for?”
    â€œJolon. His father owns a small piece of property just outside of town. Good kid for the most part. Gives his dad a lot of grief. It’s got to be hard being a single parent.”
    â€œWhere’s Jo Jo’s mother?” I turned around and found myself toe to toe, and nose to chest, with Babel. His nearness made my lungs tighten.
    He shrugged. “She ran off, or so some say, when the boy was only eight.”
    This close to Babel, I found it hard to think. His wide masculine shoulders made me swoon. His lower lip stuck out just the tiniest bit in a too-cute-to-not-kiss way. Ack! I had to look somewhere else, but when I tried, my gaze immediately went to his abs and hips. Definitely not better. Not if I wanted to string sentences together coherently. I chose his eyes as my final target. His blue eyes were the color of cold, but they warmed me up from the inside out. I held his gaze, gulped, then managed to say, “And his dad never remarried?”
    â€œNo. I don’t think Brady Walker has ever given up on the idea that she might return one day.”
    â€œWow, that’s sad.” And romantic. In a tragic and lonely way.
    â€œYep.” Babel stroked his hand down my arm. A simple touch that left me squirming on the inside.
    Why was he touching me?
    His mouth, slightly fuller on top than bottom, relaxed into a soft pout. I wanted to feel the softness of his lips pressed against mine. My heartbeat quickened and my palms went cold and clammy. I could warm them on his skin if I could just make my arms move. He dipped his head toward mine, slow and careful. I wanted him so badly, it frightened me.
    He sniffed my hair, a

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