Diesel (Devil's Mafia Brotherhood Motorcycle Club Book 1)

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Book: Diesel (Devil's Mafia Brotherhood Motorcycle Club Book 1) by Sophia Hampton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophia Hampton
and twirled her around. “Sweetheart, you’re not going to regret this.”
    Although he meant those words, Riley didn’t know that he would soon feel sorry that he ever uttered them. Being with him wasn’t good for Tania – but she didn’t know it, and neither did he.

Chapter Eight
    As they talked and laughed, time flew with an amazing speed. Once, she had thought she would never find a man with whom she would be content to stay at home and do nothing for hours, but now that was all she wanted to do. It felt good to sit with him and discuss topics like their favorite TV shows, or actors, or the mayhem that gripped the world, the wars, politics, and food.
    Riley was a man of various interests. After much pleading and begging, he finally started to teach her how to ride a bike. Initially, he sat with her every time she took it out, but, lately, he was beginning to trust her a little more with it. She could sense he loved his bike with a passion that she found amusing, but she shared it a little bit. It was heady to ride a bike and feel the wind behind her. It made her feel strong, powerful.
    It was the fifth day since they began to openly date. Well, dating was perhaps the wrong word since they spent most of their time with each other. Tania didn’t like staying in his apartment so he was over at her place most evenings and ended up staying the night. She didn’t know what he did during the days because she was busy in the office. Presumably he contacted his mates or the people for whom he worked and did his job.
    “Xavier has not been picking up my calls,” she said. It was Saturday afternoon and they had spent half the day lolling in bed. Although Tania told herself she didn’t want to discuss this with him, it was high time they did so. Unless the warehouse deal was sorted out, she would never be able to truly relax. “Have you tried to call him?”
    He didn’t quite meet her eyes. “I have, but he hasn’t been picking up my calls either.”
    “Do you think he decided to go with another buyer?”
    He chewed on his bottom lip, looking worried. It wasn’t often that she saw him in this state, so, naturally, Tania was a bit concerned. Was there something that he wasn’t telling her? Maybe it was silly of her to trust him so implicitly when he was in direct competition with her regarding this warehouse. If her boss knew, he would hit the roof.
    “I’ve no idea what’s going on. Although I called my board members to tell them, they didn’t appear that concerned. I told them that they needed to release some advance…perhaps that would turn him around, but they told me not to bother too much,” he said.
    “An advance?” She stood and stretched. “That’s not the norm. How can you give some money when no papers have been signed? And he agreed to sell it to you verbally?” She frowned. Had he cracked the deal and not told her? That would be a breach of her trust. If she heard form Xavier, she would tell him. Why couldn’t he be just as honest?
    “I’ve not talked to him.”
    She didn’t quite know whether to take his words as truth or not. What if he was stringing her along and finalized the deal without her knowledge? She had not told him her career hung in the balance. The pressure on her was building up. If she didn’t manage to sign this deal, she might lose her job. It was a sobering and scary thought. Her career was what sustained her for a long, long time. She wasn’t willing to bid it goodbye just because she had a man in her life.
    As she stared at him, she could tell he wasn’t feeling all that comfortable. It could be because they decided early on not to discuss this topic again and again, or because he was hiding stuff from her. She didn’t quite know what to do say or do.
    “What should we do?” she asked him in the hopes of getting some response from him regarding this situation with Xavier.
    He stood and

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